Typical flow when the Barbican API executes
For synchronous calls, the following sequence is generally followed:
- A client sends an HTTP REST request to the Barbican API server.
- The WSGI server and routing invokes a method on one of the
XxxxController classes in barbican/api/controllers/xxxx.py,
keyed to an HTTP verb (so one of POST, GET, DELETE, or PUT).
- Example - GET /secrets:
- In barbican/api/controllers/secrets.py, the SecretController‘s
on_get() is invoked.
- A SecretRepo repository class (found in
barbican/model/respositories.py) is then used to retrieve the
entity of interest, in this case as a Secret entity defined in
- The payload is decrypted as needed, via
barbican/plugin/resources.py‘s get_secret() function.
- A response JSON is formed and returned to the client.
For asynchronous calls, the following sequence is generally followed:
- A client sends an HTTP REST request to the Barbican API server.
- The WSGI server and routing again invokes a method on one of the
XxxxcController classes in barbican/api/controllers/.
- A remote procedure call (RPC) task is enqueue for later processing by a
worker node.
- Example - POST /orders:
- In barbican/api/controllers/orders.py, the OrdersController‘s
on_post() is invoked.
- The OrderRepo repository class (found in
barbican/model/respositories.py) is then used to create the
barbican/model/models.py‘s ``Order``entity in a ‘PENDING’ state.
- The Queue API’s process_type_order() method on the TaskClient
class (found in barbican/queue/client.py) is invoked to send a
message to the queue for asynchronous processing.
- A response JSON is formed and returned to the client.
- The Queue service receives the message sent above, invoking a corresponding
method on barbican/queue/server.py‘s Tasks class. This method then
invokes the process_and_suppress_exceptions() method on one of the
barbican/tasks/resources.py‘s BaseTask implementors. This method
can then utilize repository classes as needed to retrieve and update
entities. It may also interface with third party systems via plugins`. The
barbican/queue/client.py‘s TaskClient class above may also be
invoked from a worker node for follow on asynchronous processing steps.
- Example - POST /orders (continued):
- Continuing the example above, the queue would invoke the
process_type_order() method on barbican/queue/server.py‘s
Tasks class. Note the method is named the same as the
TaskClient method above by convention.
- This method then invokes process_and_suppress_exceptions() on
the barbican/tasks/resources.py‘s BeginTypeOrder class. This
class is responsible for processing all newly-POST-ed orders.