No Auth BarbicanΒΆ

Generally barbican can be configured to use keystone like every other OpenStack services for identity and access control. Sometimes it may be useful to run barbican without any authentication service for development purpose.

By default, configuration in barbican-api-paste.ini sets barbican without any authentication (no auth mode), for example:

# Use this pipeline for Barbican API - DEFAULT no authentication
pipeline = unauthenticated-context apiapp

With every OpenStack service integrated with keystone, its API requires access token to retireve certain information and validate user’s information and prviledges. If you are running barbican in no auth mode, you have to specify project_id instead of an access token which was retrieved from the token instead. In case of API, replace 'X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN' with 'X-Project-Id: {project_id}' for every API request in Barbican API Documentation.

You can also find detailed explanation to run barbican client with an unauthenticated context here and run barbican CLI in no auth mode here.

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