Floating IP Reservation


The following packages should be installed:

  • blazar

  • neutron

  • python-blazarclient

The floating IP plugin should be enabled in blazar.conf:

plugins = virtual.floatingip.plugin

1. Create reservable floating IPs

  1. The operator should create floating IPs as reservable resources using the floatingip-create command. They must select floating IPs that are not part of an allocation pool in Neutron. For example, to create a reservable floating IP with address from the Neutron network with ID 81fabec7-00ae-497a-b485-72f4bf187d3e, run:

blazar floatingip-create 81fabec7-00ae-497a-b485-72f4bf187d3e
  1. Check reservable floating IPs:

blazar floatingip-list


| id                                   | floating_ip_address | floating_network_id                  |
| 67720c36-4d53-41e6-acec-7d3fb9436fd5 |          | 81fabec7-00ae-497a-b485-72f4bf187d3e |

2. Create a lease

  1. Create a lease (floating IP reservation) using the lease-create command. Note that python-blazarclient version 2.2.1 or greater is required to use this feature. When you use resource_type=virtual:floatingip, the following parameters are supported:

    • network_id: UUID of the external network to reserve from (required)

    • amount: number of floating IPs to reserve (optional, defaults to 1)

    • required_floatingips: list of specific floating IPs to allocate (optional, must be formatted as a JSON array)

blazar lease-create --reservation 'resource_type=virtual:floatingip,network_id=81fabec7-00ae-497a-b485-72f4bf187d3e,amount=2,required_floatingips=["",""]' fip-lease


Created a new lease:
| Field        | Value                                                       |
| created_at   | 2019-09-23 08:33:22                                         |
| degraded     | False                                                       |
| end_date     | 2019-09-24T08:33:00.000000                                  |
| events       | {                                                           |
|              |     "status": "UNDONE",                                     |
|              |     "lease_id": "d67f3bcf-cb82-4c7d-aa4d-49cc48586d89",     |
|              |     "event_type": "before_end_lease",                       |
|              |     "created_at": "2019-09-23 08:33:22",                    |
|              |     "updated_at": null,                                     |
|              |     "time": "2019-09-24T07:33:00.000000",                   |
|              |     "id": "628e6eec-d157-4e6a-9238-47c008f357be"            |
|              | }                                                           |
|              | {                                                           |
|              |     "status": "UNDONE",                                     |
|              |     "lease_id": "d67f3bcf-cb82-4c7d-aa4d-49cc48586d89",     |
|              |     "event_type": "end_lease",                              |
|              |     "created_at": "2019-09-23 08:33:22",                    |
|              |     "updated_at": null,                                     |
|              |     "time": "2019-09-24T08:33:00.000000",                   |
|              |     "id": "d8a56235-3171-4097-8dd6-425788f4dd73"            |
|              | }                                                           |
|              | {                                                           |
|              |     "status": "UNDONE",                                     |
|              |     "lease_id": "d67f3bcf-cb82-4c7d-aa4d-49cc48586d89",     |
|              |     "event_type": "start_lease",                            |
|              |     "created_at": "2019-09-23 08:33:22",                    |
|              |     "updated_at": null,                                     |
|              |     "time": "2019-09-23T08:33:00.000000",                   |
|              |     "id": "f7322caf-9470-4281-b980-dcd76b3e476c"            |
|              | }                                                           |
| id           | d67f3bcf-cb82-4c7d-aa4d-49cc48586d89                        |
| name         | fip-lease                                                   |
| project_id   | 10b4b88b67e141aeb093fec48c93232c                            |
| reservations | {                                                           |
|              |     "status": "pending",                                    |
|              |     "lease_id": "d67f3bcf-cb82-4c7d-aa4d-49cc48586d89",     |
|              |     "resource_id": "ae205735-970e-4f91-a2fc-c99fc7cc45fc",  |
|              |     "network_id": "81fabec7-00ae-497a-b485-72f4bf187d3e",   |
|              |     "created_at": "2019-09-23 08:33:22",                    |
|              |     "updated_at": "2019-09-23 08:33:22",                    |
|              |     "required_floatingips": [                               |
|              |         "",                                       |
|              |         ""                                        |
|              |     ],                                                      |
|              |     "missing_resources": false,                             |
|              |     "amount": 2,                                            |
|              |     "id": "30f72423-db81-4f13-bc78-b931c4a96b48",           |
|              |     "resource_type": "virtual:floatingip",                  |
|              |     "resources_changed": false                              |
|              | }                                                           |
| start_date   | 2019-09-23T08:33:00.000000                                  |
| status       | PENDING                                                     |
| trust_id     | 0617c18ba83d4ec29832b0ec19c5ae5e                            |
| updated_at   | 2019-09-23 08:33:23                                         |
| user_id      | 9e43ffa598d14bac91fc889c2e15cd13                            |
  1. Check leases:

blazar lease-list


| id                                   | name      | start_date                 | end_date                   |
| d67f3bcf-cb82-4c7d-aa4d-49cc48586d89 | fip-lease | 2019-09-23T08:33:00.000000 | 2019-09-24T08:33:00.000000 |

3. Update a lease

  1. Update a lease (floating IP reservation) using the lease-update command. Note that python-blazarclient version 2.2.1 or greater is required to use this feature. After passing the existing reservation ID to the --reservation option, you can modify start or end dates as well as some reservation parameters:

    • amount: you can modify the number of floating IPs to reserve. Reducing amount is supported only for pending reservations.

    • required_floatingips: you can only reset the list of specific floating IPs to allocate to an empty list

blazar lease-update --reservation 'id=e80033e6-5279-461d-9573-dec137233434,amount=3,required_floatingips=[]' fip-lease


Updated lease: fip-lease
  1. Check updated lease:

blazar lease-show fip-lease


| Field        | Value                                                       |
| created_at   | 2019-09-23 08:09:51                                         |
| degraded     | False                                                       |
| end_date     | 2019-09-24T08:09:00.000000                                  |
| events       | {                                                           |
|              |     "status": "UNDONE",                                     |
|              |     "lease_id": "5d528d8d-c023-4792-ae77-cb6d4dc2c162",     |
|              |     "event_type": "before_end_lease",                       |
|              |     "created_at": "2019-09-23 08:09:51",                    |
|              |     "updated_at": null,                                     |
|              |     "time": "2019-09-24T07:09:00.000000",                   |
|              |     "id": "352521cc-bfe9-4881-9a3e-2ac770671144"            |
|              | }                                                           |
|              | {                                                           |
|              |     "status": "DONE",                                       |
|              |     "lease_id": "5d528d8d-c023-4792-ae77-cb6d4dc2c162",     |
|              |     "event_type": "start_lease",                            |
|              |     "created_at": "2019-09-23 08:09:51",                    |
|              |     "updated_at": "2019-09-23 08:10:10",                    |
|              |     "time": "2019-09-23T08:09:00.000000",                   |
|              |     "id": "59e1e170-660e-4a2d-a9e7-167fd5741ff5"            |
|              | }                                                           |
|              | {                                                           |
|              |     "status": "UNDONE",                                     |
|              |     "lease_id": "5d528d8d-c023-4792-ae77-cb6d4dc2c162",     |
|              |     "event_type": "end_lease",                              |
|              |     "created_at": "2019-09-23 08:09:51",                    |
|              |     "updated_at": null,                                     |
|              |     "time": "2019-09-24T08:09:00.000000",                   |
|              |     "id": "fda0d28d-afe5-4ebb-bea0-50ab1f8d7182"            |
|              | }                                                           |
| id           | 5d528d8d-c023-4792-ae77-cb6d4dc2c162                        |
| name         | fip-lease                                                   |
| project_id   | 10b4b88b67e141aeb093fec48c93232c                            |
| reservations | {                                                           |
|              |     "status": "active",                                     |
|              |     "lease_id": "5d528d8d-c023-4792-ae77-cb6d4dc2c162",     |
|              |     "resource_id": "543a350b-c703-48c9-a97e-2e787c26e385",  |
|              |     "network_id": "81fabec7-00ae-497a-b485-72f4bf187d3e",   |
|              |     "created_at": "2019-09-23 08:09:51",                    |
|              |     "updated_at": "2019-09-23 08:10:10",                    |
|              |     "required_floatingips": [],                             |
|              |     "missing_resources": false,                             |
|              |     "amount": 3,                                            |
|              |     "id": "e80033e6-5279-461d-9573-dec137233434",           |
|              |     "resource_type": "virtual:floatingip",                  |
|              |     "resources_changed": false                              |
|              | }                                                           |
| start_date   | 2019-09-23T08:09:00.000000                                  |
| status       | ACTIVE                                                      |
| trust_id     | 707391571cd14bd9bfc8eaf986163b37                            |
| updated_at   | 2019-09-23 08:15:51                                         |
| user_id      | 9e43ffa598d14bac91fc889c2e15cd13                            |

4. Use the leased resources

  1. Once the lease becomes active, the allocated floating IPs are tagged with the reservation ID, in this case e80033e6-5279-461d-9573-dec137233434, and can be displayed with the following command:

openstack floating ip list --tags reservation:e80033e6-5279-461d-9573-dec137233434


| ID                                   | Floating IP Address | Fixed IP Address | Port | Floating Network                     | Project                          |
| 3954b799-4957-4e9f-96b7-46f72604c973 |          | None             | None | 81fabec7-00ae-497a-b485-72f4bf187d3e | 10b4b88b67e141aeb093fec48c93232c |
| ae26069c-f7e9-4b8d-8ca0-6770c025dfae |          | None             | None | 81fabec7-00ae-497a-b485-72f4bf187d3e | 10b4b88b67e141aeb093fec48c93232c |
| b427c171-30fe-45c4-a00b-3d5ca9b00306 |          | None             | None | 81fabec7-00ae-497a-b485-72f4bf187d3e | 10b4b88b67e141aeb093fec48c93232c |
  1. Use the reserved floating IP like a regular one, for example by attaching it to an instance with openstack server add floating ip.