Bases: ceilometer.transformer.conversions.ScalingTransformer
Transformer that aggregates samples.
Aggregation goes until a threshold or/and a retention_time, and then flushes them out into the wild.
To aggregate sample by resource_metadata and keep the resource_metadata of the latest received sample;
AggregatorTransformer(retention_time=60, resource_metadata=’last’)
To aggregate sample by user_id and resource_metadata and keep the user_id of the first received sample and drop the resource_metadata.
- AggregatorTransformer(size=15, user_id=’first’,
- resource_metadata=’drop’)
To keep the timestamp of the last received sample rather than the first:
Bases: ceilometer.transformer.TransformerBase
Transformer to derive conversion.
Bases: ceilometer.transformer.conversions.BaseConversionTransformer
Transformer based on the delta of a sample volume.
Bases: ceilometer.transformer.conversions.ScalingTransformer
Transformer based on the rate of change of a sample volume.
For example taking the current and previous volumes of a cumulative sample and producing a gauge value based on the proportion of some maximum used.
Bases: ceilometer.transformer.conversions.BaseConversionTransformer
Transformer to apply a scaling conversion.