
Source code for ceilometer.notification

# Copyright 2017 Red Hat, Inc.
# Copyright 2012-2013 eNovance <licensing@enovance.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import itertools
import threading
import time
import uuid

from ceilometer.agent import plugin_base
from concurrent import futures
import cotyledon
from futurist import periodics
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
import oslo_messaging
from stevedore import extension
from tooz import coordination

from ceilometer.event import endpoint as event_endpoint
from ceilometer.i18n import _
from ceilometer import messaging
from ceilometer import pipeline
from ceilometer import utils

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

OPTS = [
               help='Number of queues to parallelize workload across. This '
                    'value should be larger than the number of active '
                    'notification agents for optimal results. WARNING: '
                    'Once set, lowering this value may result in lost data.'),
                help='Acknowledge message when event persistence fails.'),
                help='Enable workload partitioning, allowing multiple '
                     'notification agents to be run simultaneously.'),
                    help="Messaging URLs to listen for notifications. "
                         "Example: rabbit://user:pass@host1:port1"
                         "[,user:pass@hostN:portN]/virtual_host "
                         "(DEFAULT/transport_url is used if empty). This "
                         "is useful when you have dedicate messaging nodes "
                         "for each service, for example, all nova "
                         "notifications go to rabbit-nova:5672, while all "
                         "cinder notifications go to rabbit-cinder:5672."),
               default=100, min=1,
               help='Number of notification messages to wait before '
               'publishing them. Batching is advised when transformations are '
               'applied in pipeline.'),
               help='Number of seconds to wait before publishing samples '
               'when batch_size is not reached (None means indefinitely)'),
               help='Number of workers for notification service, '
               'default value is 1.')

                    default=['nova', 'glance', 'neutron', 'cinder', 'heat',
                             'keystone', 'sahara', 'trove', 'zaqar', 'swift',
                             'ceilometer', 'magnum', 'dns'],
                    help="Exchanges name to listen for notifications."),

[docs]class NotificationService(cotyledon.Service): """Notification service. When running multiple agents, additional queuing sequence is required for inter process communication. Each agent has two listeners: one to listen to the main OpenStack queue and another listener(and notifier) for IPC to divide pipeline sink endpoints. Coordination should be enabled to have proper active/active HA. """ NOTIFICATION_NAMESPACE = 'ceilometer.notification' NOTIFICATION_IPC = 'ceilometer-pipe' def __init__(self, worker_id, conf, coordination_id=None): super(NotificationService, self).__init__(worker_id) self.startup_delay = worker_id self.conf = conf self.periodic = None self.shutdown = False self.listeners = [] # NOTE(kbespalov): for the pipeline queues used a single amqp host # hence only one listener is required self.pipeline_listener = None if self.conf.notification.workload_partitioning: # XXX uuid4().bytes ought to work, but it requires ascii for now coordination_id = (coordination_id or str(uuid.uuid4()).encode('ascii')) self.partition_coordinator = coordination.get_coordinator( self.conf.coordination.backend_url, coordination_id) self.partition_set = list(range( self.conf.notification.pipeline_processing_queues)) self.group_state = None else: self.partition_coordinator = None @classmethod def _get_notifications_manager(cls, pm): return extension.ExtensionManager( namespace=cls.NOTIFICATION_NAMESPACE, invoke_on_load=True, invoke_args=(pm, ) ) def _get_notifiers(self, transport, pipe): notifiers = [] for x in range(self.conf.notification.pipeline_processing_queues): notifiers.append(oslo_messaging.Notifier( transport, driver=self.conf.publisher_notifier.telemetry_driver, publisher_id=pipe.name, topics=['%s-%s-%s' % (self.NOTIFICATION_IPC, pipe.name, x)])) return notifiers def _get_pipe_manager(self, transport, pipeline_manager): if self.conf.notification.workload_partitioning: pipe_manager = pipeline.SamplePipelineTransportManager(self.conf) for pipe in pipeline_manager.pipelines: key = pipeline.get_pipeline_grouping_key(pipe) pipe_manager.add_transporter( (pipe.source.support_meter, key or ['resource_id'], self._get_notifiers(transport, pipe))) else: pipe_manager = pipeline_manager return pipe_manager def _get_event_pipeline_manager(self, transport): if self.conf.notification.workload_partitioning: event_pipe_manager = pipeline.EventPipelineTransportManager( self.conf) for pipe in self.event_pipeline_manager.pipelines: event_pipe_manager.add_transporter( (pipe.source.support_event, ['event_type'], self._get_notifiers(transport, pipe))) else: event_pipe_manager = self.event_pipeline_manager return event_pipe_manager
[docs] def run(self): # Delay startup so workers are jittered time.sleep(self.startup_delay) super(NotificationService, self).run() self.coord_lock = threading.Lock() self.pipeline_manager = pipeline.setup_pipeline(self.conf) self.event_pipeline_manager = pipeline.setup_event_pipeline(self.conf) self.transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf) if self.conf.notification.workload_partitioning: self.partition_coordinator.start(start_heart=True) else: # FIXME(sileht): endpoint uses the notification_topics option # and it should not because this is an oslo_messaging option # not a ceilometer. Until we have something to get the # notification_topics in another way, we must create a transport # to ensure the option has been registered by oslo_messaging. messaging.get_notifier(self.transport, '') pipe_manager = self._get_pipe_manager(self.transport, self.pipeline_manager) event_pipe_manager = self._get_event_pipeline_manager(self.transport) self._configure_main_queue_listeners(pipe_manager, event_pipe_manager) if self.conf.notification.workload_partitioning: # join group after all manager set up is configured self.hashring = self.partition_coordinator.join_partitioned_group( self.NOTIFICATION_NAMESPACE) @periodics.periodic(spacing=self.conf.coordination.check_watchers, run_immediately=True) def run_watchers(): self.partition_coordinator.run_watchers() if self.group_state != self.hashring.ring.nodes: self.group_state = self.hashring.ring.nodes.copy() self._refresh_agent() self.periodic = periodics.PeriodicWorker.create( [], executor_factory=lambda: futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10)) self.periodic.add(run_watchers) utils.spawn_thread(self.periodic.start)
def _configure_main_queue_listeners(self, pipe_manager, event_pipe_manager): notification_manager = self._get_notifications_manager(pipe_manager) if not list(notification_manager): LOG.warning(_('Failed to load any notification handlers for %s'), self.NOTIFICATION_NAMESPACE) ack_on_error = self.conf.notification.ack_on_event_error endpoints = [] endpoints.append( event_endpoint.EventsNotificationEndpoint(event_pipe_manager)) targets = [] for ext in notification_manager: handler = ext.obj LOG.debug('Event types from %(name)s: %(type)s' ' (ack_on_error=%(error)s)', {'name': ext.name, 'type': ', '.join(handler.event_types), 'error': ack_on_error}) # NOTE(gordc): this could be a set check but oslo_messaging issue # https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo.messaging/+bug/1398511 # This ensures we don't create multiple duplicate consumers. for new_tar in handler.get_targets(self.conf): if new_tar not in targets: targets.append(new_tar) endpoints.append(handler) urls = self.conf.notification.messaging_urls or [None] for url in urls: transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url) # NOTE(gordc): ignore batching as we want pull # to maintain sequencing as much as possible. listener = messaging.get_batch_notification_listener( transport, targets, endpoints) listener.start( override_pool_size=self.conf.max_parallel_requests ) self.listeners.append(listener) def _refresh_agent(self): with self.coord_lock: if self.shutdown: # NOTE(sileht): We are going to shutdown we everything will be # stopped, we should not restart them return self._configure_pipeline_listener() def _configure_pipeline_listener(self): ev_pipes = self.event_pipeline_manager.pipelines pipelines = self.pipeline_manager.pipelines + ev_pipes transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf) partitioned = list(filter( self.hashring.belongs_to_self, self.partition_set)) endpoints = [] targets = [] for pipe in pipelines: if isinstance(pipe, pipeline.EventPipeline): endpoints.append(pipeline.EventPipelineEndpoint(pipe)) else: endpoints.append(pipeline.SamplePipelineEndpoint(pipe)) for pipe_set, pipe in itertools.product(partitioned, pipelines): LOG.debug('Pipeline endpoint: %s from set: %s', pipe.name, pipe_set) topic = '%s-%s-%s' % (self.NOTIFICATION_IPC, pipe.name, pipe_set) targets.append(oslo_messaging.Target(topic=topic)) if self.pipeline_listener: self.pipeline_listener.stop() self.pipeline_listener.wait() self.pipeline_listener = messaging.get_batch_notification_listener( transport, targets, endpoints, batch_size=self.conf.notification.batch_size, batch_timeout=self.conf.notification.batch_timeout) # NOTE(gordc): set single thread to process data sequentially # if batching enabled. batch = (1 if self.conf.notification.batch_size > 1 else self.conf.max_parallel_requests) self.pipeline_listener.start(override_pool_size=batch)
[docs] def terminate(self): self.shutdown = True if self.periodic: self.periodic.stop() self.periodic.wait() if self.partition_coordinator: self.partition_coordinator.stop() with self.coord_lock: if self.pipeline_listener: utils.kill_listeners([self.pipeline_listener]) utils.kill_listeners(self.listeners) super(NotificationService, self).terminate()
[docs]class NotificationProcessBase(plugin_base.NotificationBase):
[docs] def get_targets(self, conf): """Return a sequence of oslo_messaging.Target This sequence is defining the exchange and topics to be connected for this plugin. """ return [oslo_messaging.Target(topic=topic, exchange=exchange) for topic in self.get_notification_topics(conf) for exchange in conf.notification.notification_control_exchanges]
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