This is the first release (Version 0.1) of Ceilometer. Please take all
appropriate caution in using it, as it is a technology preview at this time.
- Version of OpenStack
- It is currently tested to work with OpenStack 2012.2 Folsom. Due to its use
of openstack-common, and the modification that were made in term of
notification to many other components (glance, cinder, quantum), it will not
easily work with any prior version of OpenStack.
- Components
- Currently covered components are: Nova, Nova-network, Glance, Cinder and
Quantum. Notably, there is no support yet for Swift and it was decided not
to support nova-volume in favor of Cinder. A detailed list of meters covered
per component can be found at in Measurements.
- Nova with libvirt only
- Most of the Nova meters will only work with libvirt fronted hypervisors at
the moment, and our test coverage was mostly done on KVM. Contributors are
welcome to implement other virtualization backends’ meters.
- Quantum delete events
- Quantum delete notifications do not include the same metadata as the other
messages, so we ignore them for now. This isn’t ideal, since it may mean we
miss charging for some amount of time, but it is better than throwing away
the existing metadata for a resource when it is deleted.
- Database backend
- The only tested and complete database backend is currently MongoDB, the
SQLAlchemy one is still work in progress.
- Installation
- The current best source of information on how to deploy this project is
found as the devstack implementation but feel free to come to
#openstack-metering on freenode for more info.
- Volume of data
Please note that metering can generate lots of data very quickly. Have a
look at the following spreadsheet to evaluate what you will end up with.