(definition_cfg, trait_plugin_mgr, raw_levels)[source]¶Bases: object
= {'project_id': {'fields': ['payload.tenant_id', 'ctxt.tenant'], 'type': 'text'}, 'request_id': {'fields': 'ctxt.request_id', 'type': 'text'}, 'service': {'fields': 'publisher_id', 'type': 'text'}, 'tenant_id': {'fields': ['payload.tenant_id', 'ctxt.tenant'], 'type': 'text'}, 'user_id': {'fields': ['payload.user_id', 'ctxt.user_id'], 'type': 'text'}}¶is_catchall
(conf, events_config, trait_plugin_mgr)[source]¶Bases: object
Notification Event Converter
The NotificationEventsConverter handles the conversion of Notifications from openstack systems into Ceilometer Events.
The conversion is handled according to event definitions in a config file.
The config is a list of event definitions. Order is significant, a notification will be processed according to the LAST definition that matches it’s event_type. (We use the last matching definition because that allows you to use YAML merge syntax in the definitions file.) Each definition is a dictionary with the following keys (all are required):
event_type: this is a list of notification event_types this definition will handle. These can be wildcarded with unix shell glob (not regex!) wildcards. An exclusion listing (starting with a ‘!’) will exclude any types listed from matching. If ONLY exclusions are listed, the definition will match anything not matching the exclusions. This item can also be a string, which will be taken as equivalent to 1 item list.
- [‘compute.instance.exists’] will only match compute.instance.exists notifications
- “compute.instance.exists” Same as above.
- [“image.create”, “image.delete”] will match image.create and image.delete, but not anything else.
- “compute.instance.*” will match compute.instance.create.start but not image.upload
- [‘.start’,’.end’, ‘!scheduler.*’] will match compute.instance.create.start, and image.delete.end, but NOT compute.instance.exists or scheduler.run_instance.start
- ‘!image.*’ matches any notification except image notifications.
- [‘*’, ‘!image.*’] same as above.
traits: (dict) The keys are trait names, the values are the trait definitions. Each trait definition is a dictionary with the following keys:
type (optional): The data type for this trait. (as a string) Valid options are: ‘text’, ‘int’, ‘float’ and ‘datetime’, defaults to ‘text’ if not specified.
fields: a path specification for the field(s) in the notification you wish to extract. The paths can be specified with a dot syntax (e.g. ‘payload.host’) or dictionary syntax (e.g. ‘payload[host]’) is also supported. In either case, if the key for the field you are looking for contains special characters, like ‘.’, it will need to be quoted (with double or single quotes) like so:
The syntax used for the field specification is a variant of JSONPath, and is fairly flexible. (see: https://github.com/kennknowles/python-jsonpath-rw for more info) Specifications can be written to match multiple possible fields, the value for the trait will be derived from the matching fields that exist and have a non-null (i.e. is not None) values in the notification. By default the value will be the first such field. (plugins can alter that, if they wish)
This configuration value is normally a string, for convenience, it can be specified as a list of specifications, which will be OR’ed together (a union query in jsonpath terms)
plugin (optional): (dictionary) with the following keys:
For convenience, this value can also be specified as a string, which is interpreted as a plugin name, which will be loaded with no parameters.
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