The ceilometer.notification Module

The ceilometer.notification Module

class ceilometer.notification.NotificationService(worker_id, conf, coordination_id=None)[source]

Bases: cotyledon._service.Service

Notification service.

When running multiple agents, additional queuing sequence is required for inter process communication. Each agent has two listeners: one to listen to the main OpenStack queue and another listener(and notifier) for IPC to divide pipeline sink endpoints. Coordination should be enabled to have proper active/active HA.

NOTIFICATION_NAMESPACE = 'ceilometer.notification.v2'

Return a sequence of oslo_messaging.Target

This sequence is defining the exchange and topics to be connected.

static kill_listeners(listeners)[source]

Method representing the service activity

If not implemented the process will just wait to receive an ending signal.

This method is ran into the thread and can block or return as needed

Any exceptions raised by this method will be logged and the worker will exit with status 1.


Gracefully shutdown the service

This method will be executed when the Service has to shutdown cleanly.

If not implemented the process will just end with status 0.

To customize the exit code, the SystemExit exception can be used.

Any exceptions raised by this method will be logged and the worker will exit with status 1.

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