The ceilometer.tests.unit.ipmi.notifications.test_ironic Module

The ceilometer.tests.unit.ipmi.notifications.test_ironic Module

Tests for producing IPMI sample messages from notification events.

class ceilometer.tests.unit.ipmi.notifications.test_ironic.TestNotifications(*args, **kwds)[source]

Bases: oslotest.base.BaseTestCase


Test that a meter which a disabled volume is skipped.


Test IPMI Current sensor data.

A single current reading is effectively the same as temperature, modulo “current”.


Test IPMI Fan sensor data.

A single fan reading is effectively the same as temperature, modulo “fan”.


Test IPMI Temperature sensor data.

Based on the above ipmi_testdata the expected sample for a single temperature reading has:

* a resource_id composed from the node_uuid Sensor ID
* a name composed from 'hardware.ipmi.' and 'temperature'
* a volume from the first chunk of the Sensor Reading
* a unit from the last chunk of the Sensor Reading
* some readings are skipped if the value is 'Disabled'
* metatata with the node id

Test IPMI Voltage sensor data.

A single voltage reading is effectively the same as temperature, modulo “voltage”.


Test for desired error message when ‘node_uuid’ missing.

Presumably this will never happen given the way the data is created, but better defensive than dead.


Test for desired error message when ‘Sensor ID’ missing.

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