Upgrade: 2023.1 to 2023.2

This page contains notes specific to the 2023.1 to 2023.2 upgrade path. See the main OpenStack upgrade page for full coverage.

Nova AvailabilityZoneFilter removal in 2023.2

The AvailabilityZoneFilter option was removed from Nova in 2023.2 Bobcat (see the Nova 2023.2 upgrade notes).

In order for the scheduler to honour an availability zone request, there must now be a Placement aggregate that matches the Nova host aggregate that was assigned to an availability zone.

Since Nova 18.0.0 (OpenStack Rocky), the nova-api service attempts to automatically mirror the association of a compute host with a Placement aggregate when the host is added/removed to/from a Nova host aggregate.

The below commands will assist in confirming whether this mirroring has occurred:

  1. List Nova aggregates:

openstack aggregate list
| ID | Name | Availability Zone |
|  1 | myag | myaz              |
  1. Show details on one such Nova aggregate (shows compute host name and Nova aggregate UUID):

openstack aggregate show --column availability_zone --column hosts --column uuid myag
| Field             | Value                                                |
| availability_zone | myaz                                                 |
| hosts             | juju-2c7db9-zaza-2349f0f509d3-14.project.serverstack |
| uuid              | 4dd789b7-b4c3-45f1-8b2b-a6f5a8c37d55                 |
  1. List resource providers (shows compute host UUIDs as known to Placement):

openstack resource provider list --column uuid --column name
| uuid                                 | name                                                 |
| 482399c5-9ed7-4d4d-bdcf-c076dae99f2d | juju-2c7db9-zaza-2349f0f509d3-14.project.serverstack |
| d1322831-94db-4628-9adc-3406014d24e4 | juju-2c7db9-zaza-2349f0f509d3-15.project.serverstack |
| 624c0f64-8a2b-47c7-9ea6-e3f1de611bc2 | juju-2c7db9-zaza-2349f0f509d3-16.project.serverstack |
  1. List Placement aggregates for a compute host that is now known to be associated with a Nova aggregate:

openstack resource provider aggregate list --column uuid 482399c5-9ed7-4d4d-bdcf-c076dae99f2d
| uuid                                 |
| 4dd789b7-b4c3-45f1-8b2b-a6f5a8c37d55 |

The UUID shown should be the same as that displayed in the output in step #2.

Manual intervention will be required if an AZ-assigned Nova aggregate is not also associated with a Placement aggregate. This is done with the openstack resource provider aggregate set command (see Aggregates in Placement) in the Nova documentation.

FileStore support removal in Ceph Reef

Charmed OpenStack 2023.2 ships with Ceph Reef, which has removed support for the OSD FileStore format, leaving support for only the BlueStore format.


Data loss may occur if you attempt to upgrade to Ceph Reef when FileStore OSDs are present. As an extra precaution, the ceph-osd charm will attempt to detect FileStore OSDs, and, if any are found, it will block a payload upgrade.

Before upgrading the payload (“OpenStack upgrade”) of any of the Ceph charms, migrate all FileStore OSDs to BlueStore by following the upstream documentation: BlueStore migration strategies.