Deploying from the Charm Store

All of the OpenStack charms, and related, charms are stored in the Juju Charm Store which is a repository from which to deploy charms.

Targets in the Charm Store

You can deploy from either of the following targets in the charm store.

  • For stable charms: cs:<charm name>

  • For development charms: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/<charm name>

Note that OpenStack charms support multiple OpenStack versions and multiple Ubuntu releases. The currently supported versions and combinations can be found at the Ubuntu Cloud Archive page and Ubuntu release end of life pages.

e.g. cs:xenial/keystone is the stable charm in the 16.04 Xenial release of ubuntu, whereas cs:~openstack-charmers-next/keystone is the current development version (against Xenial).

Note that OpenStack development team develops against the current released LTS version of Ubuntu, and the current development release of Ubuntu.

Example Bundle

# vim: set ts=2 et:
# deployer bundle for development ('next') charms
  series: trusty
      branch: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/percona-cluster
      constraints: mem=1G
        dataset-size: 50%
      branch: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/rabbitmq-server
      constraints: mem=1G
      branch: cs:~openstack-charmers-next/keystone
      constraints: mem=1G
        admin-password: openstack
        admin-token: ubuntutesting
        openstack-origin: cloud:xenial-mitaka
      charm: barbican
        openstack-origin: cloud:trusty-kilo
    - [ keystone, mysql ]
    - [ barbican, mysql ]
    - [ barbican, rabbitmq-server ]
    - [ barbican, keystone ]

In this example the bundle would be used to deploy the ‘next’ charms (i.e. those in development) with a local barbican charm.