Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Add the secondary image to MirrorView.
Reversion strategy: Remove the secondary image.
Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Task to modify a Snapshot to allow ReadWrite on it.
Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Attaches the snapshot to the SMP created before.
Reversion strategy: Detach the SMP.
Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Task to copy a volume snapshot/consistency group snapshot.
Reversion Strategy: Delete the copied snapshot/cgsnapshot
Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Task to create a CG snapshot.
Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Task to create a consistency group.
Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Creates a new lun task.
Reversion strategy: Delete the lun.
Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Creates a MirrorView with primary lun for replication.
Reversion strategy: Destroy the created MirrorView.
Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Creates a snap mount point (SMP) for the source snapshot.
Reversion strategy: Delete the SMP.
Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Creates a snapshot of a volume.
Reversion Strategy: Delete the created snapshot.
Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Starts a migration between two LUNs/SMPs.
Reversion strategy: Cleanup the migration session
Bases: taskflow.task.Task
Task to wait migrations to be completed.