The cinder.volume.drivers.nimble Module

Volume driver for Nimble Storage.

This driver supports Nimble Storage controller CS-Series.

exception NimbleAPIException(message=None, **kwargs)

Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeBackendAPIException

message = u'Unexpected response from Nimble API'
class NimbleAPIExecutor(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Makes Nimble API calls.

add_acl(*args, **kwargs)

Execute addAcl API.

clone_vol(*args, **kwargs)

Execute cloneVol API.

create_initiator_group(*args, **kwargs)

Execute createInitiatorGrp API.

create_vol(volume, pool_name, reserve)

Execute createVol API.

delete_initiator_group(*args, **kwargs)

Execute deleteInitiatorGrp API.

delete_snap(*args, **kwargs)

Execute deleteSnap API.

delete_vol(*args, **kwargs)

Execute deleteVol API.

dissociate_volcoll(*args, **kwargs)

Execute dissocProtPol API.

edit_vol(*args, **kwargs)

Execute editVol API.


Execute getGroupConfig API.


Execute getInitiatorGrpList API.


Execute getNetConfig API.

get_snap_info(snap_name, vol_name)

Get snapshot information.

  • snap_name – snapshot name
  • vol_name – volume name

response object


Execute getVolInfo API.


Execute Https Login API.

online_snap(*args, **kwargs)

Execute onlineSnap API.

online_vol(*args, **kwargs)

Execute onlineVol API.

remove_acl(*args, **kwargs)

Execute removeVolAcl API.

snap_vol(*args, **kwargs)

Execute snapVol API.

exception NimbleDriverException(message=None, **kwargs)

Bases: cinder.exception.VolumeDriverException

message = u'Nimble Cinder Driver exception'
class NimbleISCSIDriver(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cinder.volume.drivers.san.san.SanISCSIDriver

OpenStack driver to enable Nimble Controller.

Version history:

1.0 - Initial driver 1.1.1 - Updated VERSION to Nimble driver version 1.1.2 - Update snap-quota to unlimited 2.0.0 - Added Extra Spec Capability

Correct capacity reporting Added Manage/Unmanage volume support

2.0.1 - Added multi-initiator support through extra-specs 2.0.2 - Fixed supporting extra specs while cloning vols 2.0.3 - Support for Force Backup

VERSION = '2.0.3'
create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)

Create a clone of the specified volume.

create_export(context, volume, connector)

Driver entry point to get the export info for a new volume.


Create a snapshot.


Create a new volume.

create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)

Create a volume from a snapshot.


Delete a snapshot.


Delete the specified volume.


Setup the Nimble Cinder volume driver.

ensure_export(context, volume)

Driver entry point to get the export info for an existing volume.

extend_volume(volume, new_size)

Extend an existing volume.


Get volume stats. This is more of getting group stats.

initialize_connection(volume, connector)

Driver entry point to attach a volume to an instance.


Check if the volume is created through cinder-backup workflow.

Parameters:volume – reference to volume from delete_volume()
manage_existing(volume, external_ref)

Manage an existing nimble volume (import to cinder)

manage_existing_get_size(volume, external_ref)

Return size of an existing volume

terminate_connection(volume, connector, **kwargs)

Driver entry point to unattach a volume from an instance.


Removes the specified volume from Cinder management.

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The cinder.volume.drivers.nfs Module

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The cinder.volume.drivers.prophetstor.dpl_fc Module

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