API Endpoint

Cinder has a system for managing multiple APIs on different subdomains. Currently there is support for the OpenStack API.

Common Components

The cinder.api Module

root_app_factory(loader, global_conf, **local_conf)

OpenStack API

The openstack Module

WSGI middleware for OpenStack API controllers.

class APIMapper(controller_scan=<function controller_scan at 0x7fbe6fce99b0>, directory=None, always_scan=False, register=True, explicit=True)

Bases: routes.mapper.Mapper

connect(*args, **kwargs)
routematch(url=None, environ=None)
class APIRouter(ext_mgr=None)

Bases: oslo_service.wsgi.Router

Routes requests on the API to the appropriate controller and method.

ExtensionManager = None
classmethod factory(global_config, **local_config)

Simple paste factory, cinder.wsgi.Router doesn’t have.

class ProjectMapper(controller_scan=<function controller_scan at 0x7fbe6fce99b0>, directory=None, always_scan=False, register=True, explicit=True)

Bases: cinder.api.openstack.APIMapper

resource(member_name, collection_name, **kwargs)


The api_unittest Module

The api_integration Module

The cloud_unittest Module

The api.fakes Module

The api.test_wsgi Module

The test_api Module

The test_auth Module

The test_faults Module