Hashmap rating module

CloudKitty is shipped with core rating modules.

Hashmap composition

You can see hashmap as a simple tree:

digraph "Hashmap's data structure" {

    label="HashMap module data structure";

    network [label="network.floating_ip"];

    subgraph cluster_0 {
        {rank=same; compute -> network -> volume [style=invis];}

    compute -> flavor;

    subgraph cluster_1 {
        label="fields:\nAssociate to metadata";

    // Mappings
    micro [label="value=m1.micro\ntype=flat\ncost=0.1"];
    tiny [label="value=m1.tiny\ntype=flat\ncost=0.2"];
    small [label="value=m1.small\ntype=flat\ncost=0.4"];

    floating [label="\ntype=flat\ncost=0.5"];

    // Thresholds
    1024 [label="level=1024\ntype=flat\ncost=0.1"];
    10240 [label="level=10240\ntype=flat\ncost=0.2"];

    subgraph cluster_2 {
        {rank=same; micro -> tiny -> small -> floating [style=invis];}

    subgraph cluster_3 {
        {rank=same; 1024 -> 10240 [style=invis];}

    flavor -> micro;
    flavor -> tiny;
    flavor -> small;
    network -> floating;
    volume -> 1024;
    volume -> 10240;

HashMap is composed of different resources and groups.


A group is a way to group calculations of mappings. For example you might want to apply a set of rules to charge instance_uptime and another set to block storage volume. You don’t want the two to be linked so you’ll create one group for each calculation.


A service is a way to map the rule to the type of data collected (compute, image, volume).


A field is referring to a metadata field of a resource. For example on an instance object (compute), you can use the flavor to define specific rules.


A mapping is the final object, it’s what triggers calculation, for example a specific value of flavor on an instance. It maps cost to a value of metadata in case of field mapping. And directly a cost in case of service mapping.


A threshold entry is used to apply rating rules base on level. Its behaviour is similar to a mapping except that it applies the cost base on the level.

HashMap formula

Based on all the previous objects here’s the calculation formula : \(\sum_{n=1}^N G_n(qty.(T_{rate}\prod(M_{rate})(T_{flat}+M_{flat})))\)

qty:Quantity of resource


Compute uptime

Apply rating rule on the compute service to charge the instance based on it’s flavor and uptime:

Create a group instance_uptime_flavor:

$ cloudkitty hashmap-create-group -n instance_uptime_flavor
$ cloudkitty hashmap-group-list
| Name                   | Group id                             |
| instance_uptime_flavor | 26d2d69a-4c42-47f1-9d44-2cdfad167f7d |

Create the service matching rule:

$ cloudkitty hashmap-service-create -n compute
| Property   | Value                                |
| name       | compute                              |
| service_id | 08ab2d27-fe95-400c-9602-e5ad5efdda8b |

Create a field matching rule:

$ cloudkitty hashmap-field-create \
 -s 08ab2d27-fe95-400c-9602-e5ad5efdda8b -n flavor
| Property   | Value                                |
| field_id   | f37364af-6525-40fc-ae08-6d4087429862 |
| name       | flavor                               |
| service_id | None                                 |

Create a mapping in the group instance_uptime_flavor that will map m1.tiny instance to a cost of 0.01:

$ cloudkitty hashmap-mapping-create \
 -f f37364af-6525-40fc-ae08-6d4087429862 \
 -v m1.tiny -t flat -c 0.01 -g 26d2d69a-4c42-47f1-9d44-2cdfad167f7d
| Property   | Value                                |
| cost       | 0.01                                 |
| field_id   | f37364af-6525-40fc-ae08-6d4087429862 |
| group_id   | 26d2d69a-4c42-47f1-9d44-2cdfad167f7d |
| mapping_id | df592a91-a6a5-41fa-ba2e-2f763eaa36e5 |
| service_id | None                                 |
| type       | flat                                 |
| value      | m1.tiny                              |

In this example every machine with the flavor m1.tiny will be charge 0.01 per collection period.

Volume per gb with discount

Now let’s do some threshold based rating.

Create a group volume_thresholds:

$ cloudkitty hashmap-create-group -n volume_thresholds
$ cloudkitty hashmap-group-list
| Name              | Group id                             |
| volume_thresholds | dd3dc30e-0e63-11e6-9f83-ab4208c1fe2d |

Create the service matching rule:

$ cloudkitty hashmap-service-create -n volume
| Property   | Value                                |
| name       | volume                               |
| service_id | 16a48060-0e64-11e6-8e4e-1b285514a36e |

Now let’s setup the price per gigabyte:

$ cloudkitty hashmap-mapping-create \
 -s 16a48060-0e64-11e6-8e4e-1b285514a36e \
 -t flat -c 0.001 -g dd3dc30e-0e63-11e6-9f83-ab4208c1fe2d
| Property   | Value                                |
| cost       | 0.001                                |
| field_id   | None                                 |
| group_id   | dd3dc30e-0e63-11e6-9f83-ab4208c1fe2d |
| mapping_id | 41669786-240b-11e6-872c-af96ddb6619c |
| service_id | 16a48060-0e64-11e6-8e4e-1b285514a36e |
| type       | flat                                 |
| value      | None                                 |

We have the basic price per gigabyte be we now want to apply a discount on huge data volumes. Create the thresholds in the group volume_thresholds that will map different volume quantity to costs:

Here we set a threshold when going past 50GB, and apply a 2% discount (0.98):

$ cloudkitty hashmap-threshold-create \
 -s 16a48060-0e64-11e6-8e4e-1b285514a36e \
 -l 50 -t rate -c 0.98 -g dd3dc30e-0e63-11e6-9f83-ab4208c1fe2d
| Property   | Value                                |
| cost       | 0.98                                 |
| field_id   | None                                 |
| group_id   | dd3dc30e-0e63-11e6-9f83-ab4208c1fe2d |
| level      | 50                                   |
| mapping_id | 8eb45bfc-0e64-11e6-ad0e-07a62425f284 |
| service_id | 16a48060-0e64-11e6-8e4e-1b285514a36e |
| type       | rate                                 |

Here we set a threshold when going past 200GB, and apply a 5% discount (0.95):

$ cloudkitty hashmap-threshold-create \
 -s 16a48060-0e64-11e6-8e4e-1b285514a36e \
 -l 200 -t rate -c 0.95 -g dd3dc30e-0e63-11e6-9f83-ab4208c1fe2d
| Property   | Value                                |
| cost       | 0.95                                 |
| field_id   | None                                 |
| group_id   | dd3dc30e-0e63-11e6-9f83-ab4208c1fe2d |
| level      | 200                                  |
| mapping_id | baf180c8-0e64-11e6-abb3-cbae153a6d44 |
| service_id | 16a48060-0e64-11e6-8e4e-1b285514a36e |
| type       | rate                                 |

In this example every volume is charged 0.01 per GB but if the size goes past 50GB you’ll get a 2% discount, if you even go further you’ll get 5% discount (only one level apply at a time).

20GB:0.02 per collection period.
50GB:0.049 per collection period.
80GB:0.0784 per collection period.
250GB:0.2375 per collection period.

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