
CloudKitty is shipped with three rating modules:

  • noop: Rating module for testing purpose (enabled only).

  • hashmap: Default rating module corresponding to usual CloudKitty use cases (disabled by default).

  • pyscripts: Custom rating module allowing you to add your own python scripts (disabled by default).

You can enable or disable each module independently and prioritize one over another at will.

  • Enabled state is represented by a boolean value (True or False).

  • Priority is represented by an integer value.


The module with the biggest priority value will process data first (descending order).

List available modules

List available rating modules:

$ cloudkitty module list
| Module    | Enabled | Priority |
| hashmap   | False   | 1        |
| noop      | True    | 1        |
| pyscripts | False   | 1        |

Enable or disable module

Enable the hashmap rating module:

$ cloudkitty module enable hashmap
| Module  | Enabled | Priority |
| hashmap | True    | 1        |

Disable the pyscripts rating module:

$ cloudkitty module disable pyscripts
| Module    | Enabled | Priority |
| pyscripts | False   | 1        |

Set priority

Set the hashmap rating module priority to 100:

$ cloudkitty module set priority hashmap 100
| Module  | Enabled | Priority |
| hashmap | True    | 100      |

More details