congress.db.migration package

Module contents

congress.db.migration.alter_column_if_exists(table_name, column_name, **kwargs)

Alter a column only if it exists in the schema.

congress.db.migration.alter_enum(table, column, enum_type, nullable)
congress.db.migration.create_table_if_not_exist_psql(table_name, values)

Decorator for raising if a function is called in offline mode.

congress.db.migration.rename_table_if_exists(old_table_name, new_table_name)
congress.db.migration.schema_has_column(table_name, column_name)

Check whether the specified column exists in the current schema.

This method cannot be executed in offline mode.


Check whether the specified table exists in the current schema.

This method cannot be executed in offline mode.


Decorator for skipping migrations in offline mode.