View and Manage Quotas

Quotas exist in Designate for various resources, these are configurable by an operator globally, as well as on a per-tenant basis.

View Quotas

Users can view their quotas with a simple API call:

GET /v2/quotas/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
X-Openstack-Request-Id: req-bfcd0723-624c-4ec2-bbd5-99e985efe8db

  "api_export_size": 1000,
  "recordset_records": 20,
  "zone_records": 500,
  "zone_recordsets": 500,
  "zones": 500

Administrators with the ability to use the X-Auth-All-Projects header can view the quotas of any user by making a similar API call to /v2/quotas/tenant.

Available Quotas






The number of zone allowed per tenant







Number of recordsets allowed per zone



Number of records allowed per zone



Number of records allowed per recordset


Zone Exports





Number of recordsets allowed in a zone export


Editing Quotas

Global Configuration

All of the quotas above can be set as a default for all users by editing the [DEFAULT] configuration section, and setting each quota with quota_$name. for example:

## General Configuration
quota_zones = 500
quota_zone_recordsets = 500
quota_zone_records = 500
quota_recordset_records = 20
quota_api_export_size = 1000

Per-Tenant via API

These quotas can be edited via API on a per-tenant basis. An administrator can edit quotas for any tenant, but they must supply the X-Auth-All-Projects header, and have permission to use it, they’ll also need the set-quotas permission in policy.yaml. For example, an admin setting the zones quota for tenant X would look like:

PATCH /v2/quotas/tenantX HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
X-Auth-All-Projects: True

  "zones": 100

The response would be:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
X-Openstack-Request-Id: req-bfcd0723-624c-4ec2-bbd5-99e985efe8db

  "api_export_size": 1000,
  "recordset_records": 20,
  "zone_records": 500,
  "zone_recordsets": 500,
  "zones": 100

Tenant Id verification

Although Designate API can accept arbitrary strings as Tenant ID to set the quota for, actual enforcement of quota will be performed only when the tenant ID that was set is matching the project-id in the request that attempts to create a resource.

To have some guards against possible mistakes when setting quotas, the following option can be enabled in the Designate configuration file:

quotas_verify_project_id = True

Additionally, the [keystone] section in the configuration file might have to be populated with keystoneauth Session- and Adapter-related options specifying how to connect to Keystone and find appropriate Keystone endpoint to perform requests against (see keystoneauth documentation for more details). Example:

cafile = /path/to/ca/bundle
valid_interfaces = internal,public
region_name = RegionWest

With those settings enabled, Designate will use the incoming token of user performing the PATCH /v2/quotas/tenantX request to make a best effort attempt to verify that the requested Tenant ID (tenantX part of the request) is indeed a valid Project ID in Keystone.

As a result of this verification, the PATCH /v2/quotas/tenantX request may return additional errors in case of:

  • when the Keystone V3 endpoint could not be found in the service catalog (as specified in [keystone] section) - 504 error is returned

  • when the authentication with incoming token was successful but the project id was not actually found - 400 is returned

The situation when the authorization with incoming token fails is ignored. For best results ensure that the user setting quotas is allowed to list projects in Keystone.