Verify operation

Verify operation of the DNS service.


Perform these commands on the controller node.

  1. Source the admin tenant credentials:

    $ . admin-openrc
  2. List service components to verify successful launch and registration of each process:

    $ ps -aux | grep designate
    ../usr/bin/python /usr/bin/designate-mdns --config-file /etc/designate/designate.conf
    ../usr/bin/python /usr/bin/designate-central --config-file /etc/designate/designate.conf
    ../usr/bin/python /usr/bin/designate-agent --config-file /etc/designate/designate.conf
    ../usr/bin/python /usr/bin/designate-api --config-file /etc/designate/designate.conf
    ../usr/bin/python /usr/bin/designate-worker --config-file /etc/designate/designate.conf
    ../usr/bin/python /usr/bin/designate-producer --config-file /etc/designate/designate.conf
    $ openstack dns service list
    | id                                   | hostname                 | service_name | status | stats | capabilities |
    | 918a8f6e-9e7e-453e-8583-cbefa7ae7f8f | vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 | central      | UP     | -     | -            |
    | 982f78d5-525a-4c36-af26-a09aa39de5d7 | vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 | api          | UP     | -     | -            |
    | eda2dc16-ad27-4ee1-b091-bb75b6ceaffe | vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 | mdns         | UP     | -     | -            |
    | 00c5c372-e630-49b1-a6b6-17e3fa4544ea | vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 | worker       | UP     | -     | -            |
    | 8cdaf2e9-accd-4665-8e9e-be26f1ccfe4a | vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64 | producer     | UP     | -     | -            |


    This output should indicate at least one of each of the central, api, producer, mdns and worker components on the controller node.

    This output may differ slightly depending on the distribution.