Source code for ceilometer.compute.pollsters.instance_stats

# Copyright 2012 eNovance <>
# Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

from ceilometer.compute import pollsters
from ceilometer import sample

[docs]class InstanceStatsPollster(pollsters.GenericComputePollster): inspector_method = 'inspect_instance'
[docs]class CPUPollster(InstanceStatsPollster): sample_name = 'cpu' sample_unit = 'ns' sample_stats_key = 'cpu_time' sample_type = sample.TYPE_CUMULATIVE @staticmethod
[docs] def get_additional_metadata(instance, c_data): return {'cpu_number': c_data.cpu_number}
[docs]class CPUUtilPollster(InstanceStatsPollster): sample_name = 'cpu_util' sample_unit = '%' sample_stats_key = 'cpu_util'
[docs]class MemoryUsagePollster(InstanceStatsPollster): sample_name = 'memory.usage' sample_unit = 'MB' sample_stats_key = 'memory_usage'
[docs]class MemoryResidentPollster(InstanceStatsPollster): sample_name = 'memory.resident' sample_unit = 'MB' sample_stats_key = 'memory_resident'
[docs]class PerfCPUCyclesPollster(InstanceStatsPollster): sample_name = 'perf.cpu.cycles' sample_stats_key = 'cpu_cycles'
[docs]class PerfInstructionsPollster(InstanceStatsPollster): sample_name = 'perf.instructions' sample_stats_key = 'instructions'
[docs]class PerfCacheReferencesPollster(InstanceStatsPollster): sample_name = 'perf.cache.references' sample_stats_key = 'cache_references'
[docs]class PerfCacheMissesPollster(InstanceStatsPollster): sample_name = 'perf.cache.misses' sample_stats_key = 'cache_misses'
[docs]class MemoryBandwidthTotalPollster(InstanceStatsPollster): sample_name = '' sample_unit = 'B/s' sample_stats_key = 'memory_bandwidth_total'
[docs]class MemoryBandwidthLocalPollster(InstanceStatsPollster): sample_name = 'memory.bandwidth.local' sample_unit = 'B/s' sample_stats_key = 'memory_bandwidth_local'
[docs]class CPUL3CachePollster(InstanceStatsPollster): sample_name = 'cpu_l3_cache' sample_unit = 'B' sample_stats_key = "cpu_l3_cache_usage"

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