The cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.vmax.iscsi Module

ISCSI Drivers for Dell EMC VMAX arrays based on REST.

class VMAXISCSIDriver(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: cinder.volume.driver.ISCSIDriver

ISCSI Drivers for VMAX using Rest.

Version history:

1.0.0 - Initial driver
1.1.0 - Multiple pools and thick/thin provisioning,
        performance enhancement.
2.0.0 - Add driver requirement functions
2.1.0 - Add consistency group functions
2.1.1 - Fixed issue with mismatched config (bug #1442376)
2.1.2 - Clean up failed clones (bug #1440154)
2.1.3 - Fixed a problem with FAST support (bug #1435069)
2.2.0 - Add manage/unmanage
2.2.1 - Support for SE 8.0.3
2.2.2 - Update Consistency Group
2.2.3 - Pool aware scheduler(multi-pool) support
2.2.4 - Create CG from CG snapshot
2.3.0 - Name change for MV and SG for FAST (bug #1515181)
      - Fix for randomly choosing port group. (bug #1501919)
      - get_short_host_name needs to be called in find_device_number
        (bug #1520635)
      - Proper error handling for invalid SLOs (bug #1512795)
      - Extend Volume for VMAX3, SE8.1.0.3
      - Incorrect SG selected on an attach (#1515176)
      - Cleanup Zoning (bug #1501938)  NOTE: FC only
      - Last volume in SG fix
      - _remove_last_vol_and_delete_sg is not being called
        for VMAX3 (bug #1520549)
      - necessary updates for CG changes (#1534616)
      - Changing PercentSynced to CopyState (bug #1517103)
      - Getting iscsi ip from port in existing masking view
      - Replacement of EMCGetTargetEndpoints api (bug #1512791)
      - VMAX3 snapvx improvements (bug #1522821)
      - Operations and timeout issues (bug #1538214)
2.4.0 - EMC VMAX - locking SG for concurrent threads (bug #1554634)
      - SnapVX licensing checks for VMAX3 (bug #1587017)
      - VMAX oversubscription Support (blueprint vmax-oversubscription)
      - QoS support (blueprint vmax-qos)
      - VMAX2/VMAX3 iscsi multipath support (iscsi only)
2.5.0 - Attach and detach snapshot (blueprint vmax-attach-snapshot)
      - MVs and SGs not reflecting correct protocol (bug #1640222)
      - Storage assisted volume migration via retype
        (bp vmax-volume-migration)
      - Support for compression on All Flash
      - Volume replication 2.1 (bp add-vmax-replication)
      - rename and restructure driver (bp vmax-rename-dell-emc)
3.0.0 - REST based driver
      - Retype (storage-assisted migration)
VERSION = ‘3.0.0’
static check_for_export(context, volume_id)

Make sure volume is exported.

  • context – the context
  • volume_id – the volume id
create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)

Creates a cloned volume.

  • volume – the cinder volume object
  • src_vref – the source volume reference

provider location dict

create_export(context, volume, connector)

Driver entry point to get the export info for a new volume.

  • context – the context
  • volume – the cinder volume object
  • connector – the connector object

Creates a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot – the cinder snapshot object
Returns:provider location dict

Creates a VMAX volume.

Parameters:volume – the cinder volume object
Returns:provider location dict
create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, snapshot)

Creates a volume from a snapshot.

  • volume – the cinder volume object
  • snapshot – the cinder snapshot object

provider location dict


Deletes a snapshot.

Parameters:snapshot – the cinder snapshot object

Deletes a VMAX volume.

Parameters:volume – the cinder volume object
ensure_export(context, volume)

Driver entry point to get the export info for an existing volume.

  • context – the context
  • volume – the cinder volume object
extend_volume(volume, new_size)

Extend an existing volume.

  • volume – the cinder volume object
  • new_size – the required new size
get_iscsi_dict(device_info, volume)

Populate iscsi dict to pass to nova.

  • device_info – device info dict
  • volume – volume object

iscsi dict


Get volume stats.

Parameters:refresh – boolean – If True, run update the stats first.
Returns:dict – the stats dict
initialize_connection(volume, connector)

Initializes the connection and returns connection info.

The iscsi driver returns a driver_volume_type of ‘iscsi’. the format of the driver data is defined in smis_get_iscsi_properties. Example return value:

    'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi'
    'data': {
        'target_discovered': True,
        'target_iqn': '',
        'target_portal': '',
        'volume_id': '12345678-1234-4321-1234-123456789012',
Example return value (multipath is enabled)::

‘driver_volume_type’: ‘iscsi’ ‘data’: {

‘target_discovered’: True, ‘target_iqns’: [‘’,


‘target_portals’: [‘’, ‘’], ‘target_luns’: [1, 1],



  • volume – the cinder volume object
  • connector – the connector object

dict – the iscsi dict

manage_existing(volume, external_ref)

Manages an existing VMAX Volume (import to Cinder).

Renames the Volume to match the expected name for the volume. Also need to consider things like QoS, Emulation, account/tenant.

manage_existing_get_size(volume, external_ref)

Return size of an existing VMAX volume to manage_existing.

  • self – reference to class
  • volume – the volume object including the volume_type_id
  • external_ref – reference to the existing volume

size of the volume in GB

remove_export(context, volume)

Driver entry point to remove an export for a volume.

  • context – the context
  • volume – the cinder volume object
retype(ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host)

Migrate volume to another host using retype.

  • ctxt – context
  • volume – the volume object including the volume_type_id
  • new_type – the new volume type.
  • diff – difference between old and new volume types. Unused in driver.
  • host – the host dict holding the relevant target(destination) information

boolean – True if retype succeeded, False if error

terminate_connection(volume, connector, **kwargs)

Disallow connection from connector.

Return empty data if other volumes are in the same zone. The FibreChannel ZoneManager doesn’t remove zones if there isn’t an initiator_target_map in the return of terminate_connection.

  • volume – the volume object
  • connector – the connector object

dict – the target_wwns and initiator_target_map if the zone is to be removed, otherwise empty


Export VMAX volume from Cinder.

Leave the volume intact on the backend array.


Retrieve stats info from volume group.

static vmax_get_iscsi_properties(volume, ip_and_iqn, is_multipath, host_lun_id)

Gets iscsi configuration.

We ideally get saved information in the volume entity, but fall back to discovery if need be. Discovery may be completely removed in future The properties are: :target_discovered: boolean indicating whether discovery was used :target_iqn: the IQN of the iSCSI target :target_portal: the portal of the iSCSI target :target_lun: the lun of the iSCSI target :volume_id: the UUID of the volume :auth_method:, :auth_username:, :auth_password:

the authentication details. Right now, either auth_method is not present meaning no authentication, or auth_method == CHAP meaning use CHAP with the specified credentials.
  • volume – the cinder volume object
  • ip_and_iqn – list of ip and iqn dicts
  • is_multipath – flag for multipath
  • host_lun_id – the host lun id of the device
