The Module

Hitachi Unified Storage (HUS-HNAS) platform. Backend operations.

class HNASSSHBackend(backend_opts)

Bases: object

check_snapshot_parent(volume_path, snap_name, fs_label)

Check if a volume is the snapshot source

  • volume_path – path of the volume
  • snap_name – name of the snapshot
  • fs_label – filesystem label

True if the volume is the snapshot’s source or False otherwise

file_clone(fs_label, src, name)

Clones NFS files to a new one named ‘name’.

Clone primitive used to support all NFS snapshot/cloning functions.

  • fs_label – file system label of the new file
  • src – source file
  • name – target path of the new created file
get_cloned_file_relatives(file_path, fs_label, raise_except=False)

Gets the files related to a clone

  • file_path – path of the cloned file
  • fs_label – filesystem of the cloned file
  • raise_except – If True exception will be raised for files that

aren’t clones. If False, only an error message is logged. :returns: list with names of the related files


Gets the EVS ID for the named filesystem.

Parameters:fs_label – The filesystem label related to the EVS required
Returns:EVS ID of the filesystem

Gets the IP addresses of all EVSs in HNAS.

Returns:dictionary with EVS information
<IP1>: {evs_number: number identifying the EVS1 on HNAS}, <IP2>: {evs_number: number identifying the EVS2 on HNAS}, …



Gets information on each NFS export.

Returns:a list of the exports configured on HNAS
get_export_path(export, fs_label)

Gets the path of an export on HNAS

  • export – the export’s name
  • fs_label – the filesystem name

string of the export’s path


Gets the information of a given FS.

Parameters:fs_label – Label of the filesystem
Returns:dictionary with FS information
‘id’: a Logical Unit ID, ‘label’: a Logical Unit name, ‘evs_id’: the ID of the EVS in which the filesystem is created (not present if there is a single EVS), ‘total_size’: the total size of the FS (in GB), ‘used_size’: the size that is already used (in GB), ‘available_size’: the free space (in GB) }

Gets version information from the storage unit.

Returns:dictionary with HNAS information
‘mac’: HNAS MAC ID, ‘model’: HNAS model, ‘version’: the software version, ‘hardware’: the hardware version, ‘serial’: HNAS serial number}