The heat.api.openstack.v1.stacks Module

Stack endpoint for Heat v1 REST API.

class heat.api.openstack.v1.stacks.InstantiationData(data, patch=False)[source]

Bases: object

The data to create or update a stack.

The data accompanying a PUT or POST request.

PARAMS = (‘stack_name’, ‘template’, ‘template_url’, ‘parameters’, ‘environment’, ‘files’, ‘environment_files’)
PARAM_ENVIRONMENT = ‘environment’
PARAM_ENVIRONMENT_FILES = ‘environment_files’
PARAM_FILES = ‘files’
PARAM_STACK_NAME = ‘stack_name’
PARAM_TEMPLATE = ‘template’
PARAM_TEMPLATE_URL = ‘template_url’
PARAM_USER_PARAMS = ‘parameters’

Get any additional arguments supplied by the user.


Get the user-supplied environment for the stack in YAML format.

If the user supplied Parameters then merge these into the environment global options.

static parse_error_check(*args, **kwds)[source]

Return the stack name.


Get template file contents.

Get template file contents, either inline, from stack adopt data or from a URL, in JSON or YAML format.

class heat.api.openstack.v1.stacks.StackController(options)[source]

Bases: object

WSGI controller for stacks resource in Heat v1 API.

Implements the API actions.

REQUEST_SCOPE = ‘stacks’
abandon(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Abandons specified stack.

Abandons specified stack by deleting the stack and it’s resources from the database, but underlying resources will not be deleted.

create(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new stack.

default(req, **args)[source]
delete(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Delete the specified stack.

delete_snapshot(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]
detail(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Lists detailed information for all stacks.

environment(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Get the environment for an existing stack.

export(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Export specified stack.

Return stack data in JSON format.

files(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Get the files for an existing stack.

generate_template(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Generates a template based on the specified type.

global_index(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]
index(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Lists summary information for all stacks.

list_outputs(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]
list_resource_types(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Returns a resource types list which may be used in template.

list_snapshots(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]
list_template_functions(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Returns a list of available functions in a given template.

list_template_versions(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Returns a list of available template versions.

lookup(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Redirect to the canonical URL for a stack.

preview(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Preview the outcome of a template and its params.

preview_update(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Preview update for existing stack with a new template/parameters.

preview_update_patch(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Preview PATCH update for existing stack.

resource_schema(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the schema of the given resource type.

restore_snapshot(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]
show(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Gets detailed information for a stack.

show_output(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]
show_snapshot(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]
snapshot(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]
template(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Get the template body for an existing stack.

update(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Update an existing stack with a new template and/or parameters.

update_patch(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Update an existing stack with a new template.

Update an existing stack with a new template by patching the parameters Add the flag patch to the args so the engine code can distinguish

validate_template(controller, req, tenant_id, **kwargs)[source]

Implements the ValidateTemplate API action.

Validates the specified template.

class heat.api.openstack.v1.stacks.StackSerializer[source]

Bases: heat.common.serializers.JSONResponseSerializer

Handles serialization of specific controller method responses.

create(response, result)[source]

Stacks resource factory method.