Source code for ironic.drivers.modules.agent_client

# Copyright 2014 Rackspace, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from ironic_lib import metrics_utils
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
import requests

from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.conf import CONF

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

METRICS = metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__)


[docs]class AgentClient(object): """Client for interacting with nodes via a REST API.""" @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.__init__') def __init__(self): self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) def _get_command_url(self, node): agent_url = node.driver_internal_info.get('agent_url') if not agent_url: raise exception.IronicException(_('Agent driver requires ' 'agent_url in ' 'driver_internal_info')) return ('%(agent_url)s/%(api_version)s/commands' % {'agent_url': agent_url, 'api_version': CONF.agent.agent_api_version}) def _get_command_body(self, method, params): return jsonutils.dumps({ 'name': method, 'params': params, }) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient._command') def _command(self, node, method, params, wait=False): url = self._get_command_url(node) body = self._get_command_body(method, params) request_params = { 'wait': str(wait).lower() } LOG.debug('Executing agent command %(method)s for node %(node)s', {'node': node.uuid, 'method': method}) try: response =, params=request_params, data=body) except requests.RequestException as e: msg = (_('Error invoking agent command %(method)s for node ' '%(node)s. Error: %(error)s') % {'method': method, 'node': node.uuid, 'error': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.IronicException(msg) # TODO(russellhaering): real error handling try: result = response.json() except ValueError: msg = _( 'Unable to decode response as JSON.\n' 'Request URL: %(url)s\nRequest body: "%(body)s"\n' 'Response status code: %(code)s\n' 'Response: "%(response)s"' ) % ({'response': response.text, 'body': body, 'url': url, 'code': response.status_code}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.IronicException(msg) LOG.debug('Agent command %(method)s for node %(node)s returned ' 'result %(res)s, error %(error)s, HTTP status code %(code)d', {'node': node.uuid, 'method': method, 'res': result.get('command_result'), 'error': result.get('command_error'), 'code': response.status_code}) return result
[docs] @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.get_commands_status') def get_commands_status(self, node): url = self._get_command_url(node) LOG.debug('Fetching status of agent commands for node %s', node.uuid) resp = self.session.get(url) result = resp.json()['commands'] status = '; '.join('%(cmd)s: result "%(res)s", error "%(err)s"' % {'cmd': r.get('command_name'), 'res': r.get('command_result'), 'err': r.get('command_error')} for r in result) LOG.debug('Status of agent commands for node %(node)s: %(status)s', {'node': node.uuid, 'status': status}) return result
[docs] @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.prepare_image') def prepare_image(self, node, image_info, wait=False): """Call the `prepare_image` method on the node.""" LOG.debug('Preparing image %(image)s on node %(node)s.', {'image': image_info.get('id'), 'node': node.uuid}) params = {'image_info': image_info} # this should be an http(s) URL configdrive = node.instance_info.get('configdrive') if configdrive is not None: params['configdrive'] = configdrive return self._command(node=node, method='standby.prepare_image', params=params, wait=wait)
[docs] @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.start_iscsi_target') def start_iscsi_target(self, node, iqn, portal_port=DEFAULT_IPA_PORTAL_PORT, wipe_disk_metadata=False): """Expose the node's disk as an ISCSI target. :param node: an Ironic node object :param iqn: iSCSI target IQN :param portal_port: iSCSI portal port :param wipe_disk_metadata: True if the agent should wipe first the disk magic strings like the partition table, RAID or filesystem signature. """ params = {'iqn': iqn, 'portal_port': portal_port, 'wipe_disk_metadata': wipe_disk_metadata} return self._command(node=node, method='iscsi.start_iscsi_target', params=params, wait=True)
[docs] @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.install_bootloader') def install_bootloader(self, node, root_uuid, efi_system_part_uuid=None): """Install a boot loader on the image.""" params = {'root_uuid': root_uuid, 'efi_system_part_uuid': efi_system_part_uuid} return self._command(node=node, method='image.install_bootloader', params=params, wait=True)
[docs] @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.get_clean_steps') def get_clean_steps(self, node, ports): params = { 'node': node.as_dict(), 'ports': [port.as_dict() for port in ports] } return self._command(node=node, method='clean.get_clean_steps', params=params, wait=True)
[docs] @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.execute_clean_step') def execute_clean_step(self, step, node, ports): params = { 'step': step, 'node': node.as_dict(), 'ports': [port.as_dict() for port in ports], 'clean_version': node.driver_internal_info.get( 'hardware_manager_version') } return self._command(node=node, method='clean.execute_clean_step', params=params)
[docs] @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.power_off') def power_off(self, node): """Soft powers off the bare metal node by shutting down ramdisk OS.""" return self._command(node=node, method='standby.power_off', params={})
[docs] @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.sync') def sync(self, node): """Flush file system buffers forcing changed blocks to disk.""" return self._command(node=node, method='standby.sync', params={}, wait=True)
[docs] @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.collect_system_logs') def collect_system_logs(self, node): """Collect and package diagnostic and support data from the ramdisk.""" return self._command(node=node, method='log.collect_system_logs', params={}, wait=True)