
Source code for keystone.common.authorization

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# Copyright 2011 - 2012 Justin Santa Barbara
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import strutils

from keystone.common import utils
from keystone import conf
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
from keystone.models import token_model

CONF = conf.CONF
"""Environment variable used to convey the Keystone auth context.

Auth context is essentially the user credential used for policy enforcement.
It is a dictionary with the following attributes:

* ``token``: Token from the request
* ``user_id``: user ID of the principal
* ``user_domain_id`` (optional): Domain ID of the principal if the principal
                                 has a domain.
* ``project_id`` (optional): project ID of the scoped project if auth is
* ``project_domain_id`` (optional): Domain ID of the scoped project if auth is
* ``domain_id`` (optional): domain ID of the scoped domain if auth is
* ``domain_name`` (optional): domain name of the scoped domain if auth is
* ``is_delegated_auth``: True if this is delegated (via trust or oauth)
* ``trust_id``: Trust ID if trust-scoped, or None
* ``trustor_id``: Trustor ID if trust-scoped, or None
* ``trustee_id``: Trustee ID if trust-scoped, or None
* ``consumer_id``: OAuth consumer ID, or None
* ``access_token_id``: OAuth access token ID, or None
* ``roles`` (optional): list of role names for the given scope
* ``group_ids`` (optional): list of group IDs for which the API user has
                            membership if token was for a federated user


LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def token_to_auth_context(token): if not isinstance(token, token_model.KeystoneToken): raise exception.UnexpectedError(_('token reference must be a ' 'KeystoneToken type, got: %s') % type(token)) auth_context = {'token': token, 'is_delegated_auth': False} try: auth_context['user_id'] = token.user_id except KeyError: LOG.warning('RBAC: Invalid user data in token') raise exception.Unauthorized(_('No user_id in token')) auth_context['user_domain_id'] = token.user_domain_id if token.project_scoped: auth_context['project_id'] = token.project_id auth_context['project_domain_id'] = token.project_domain_id auth_context['is_domain'] = token.is_domain elif token.domain_scoped: auth_context['domain_id'] = token.domain_id auth_context['domain_name'] = token.domain_name else: LOG.debug('RBAC: Proceeding without project or domain scope') if token.trust_scoped: auth_context['is_delegated_auth'] = True auth_context['trust_id'] = token.trust_id auth_context['trustor_id'] = token.trustor_user_id auth_context['trustee_id'] = token.trustee_user_id else: # NOTE(lbragstad): These variables will already be set to None but we # add the else statement here for readability. auth_context['trust_id'] = None auth_context['trustor_id'] = None auth_context['trustee_id'] = None roles = token.role_names if roles: auth_context['roles'] = roles if token.oauth_scoped: auth_context['is_delegated_auth'] = True auth_context['consumer_id'] = token.oauth_consumer_id auth_context['access_token_id'] = token.oauth_access_token_id else: # NOTE(lbragstad): These variables will already be set to None but we # add the else statement here for readability. auth_context['consumer_id'] = None auth_context['access_token_id'] = None if token.is_federated_user: auth_context['group_ids'] = token.federation_group_ids auth_context['is_admin_project'] = token.is_admin_project return auth_context
[docs]def assert_admin(app, request): """Ensure the user is an admin. :raises keystone.exception.Unauthorized: if a token could not be found/authorized, a user is invalid, or a tenant is invalid/not scoped. :raises keystone.exception.Forbidden: if the user is not an admin and does not have the admin role """ check_policy(app, request, 'admin_required', input_attr={})
def _build_policy_check_credentials(action, context, kwargs): kwargs_str = ', '.join(['%s=%s' % (k, kwargs[k]) for k in kwargs]) kwargs_str = strutils.mask_password(kwargs_str) msg = 'RBAC: Authorizing %(action)s(%(kwargs)s)' LOG.debug(msg, {'action': action, 'kwargs': kwargs_str}) return context['environment'].get(AUTH_CONTEXT_ENV, {}) def _handle_member_from_driver(self, policy_dict, **kwargs): # Check to see if we need to include the target entity in our # policy checks. We deduce this by seeing if the class has # specified a get_member() method and that kwargs contains the # appropriate entity id. if (hasattr(self, 'get_member_from_driver') and self.get_member_from_driver is not None): key = '%s_id' % self.member_name if key in kwargs: ref = self.get_member_from_driver(kwargs[key]) policy_dict['target'] = {self.member_name: ref}
[docs]def token_validation_window(request): # NOTE(jamielennox): it's dumb that i have to put this here. We should # only validate subject token in one place. allow_expired = request.params.get('allow_expired') allow_expired = strutils.bool_from_string(allow_expired, default=False) return CONF.token.allow_expired_window if allow_expired else 0
def _handle_subject_token_id(self, request, policy_dict): if request.context_dict.get('subject_token_id') is not None: window_seconds = token_validation_window(request) token_ref = token_model.KeystoneToken( token_id=request.context_dict['subject_token_id'], token_data=self.token_provider_api.validate_token( request.context_dict['subject_token_id'], window_seconds=window_seconds)) policy_dict.setdefault('target', {}) policy_dict['target'].setdefault(self.member_name, {}) policy_dict['target'][self.member_name]['user_id'] = ( token_ref.user_id) try: user_domain_id = token_ref.user_domain_id except exception.UnexpectedError: user_domain_id = None if user_domain_id: policy_dict['target'][self.member_name].setdefault( 'user', {}) policy_dict['target'][self.member_name][ 'user'].setdefault('domain', {}) policy_dict['target'][self.member_name]['user'][ 'domain']['id'] = ( user_domain_id)
[docs]def check_protection(controller, request, prep_info, target_attr=None, *args, **kwargs): """Provide call protection for complex target attributes. As well as including the standard parameters from the original API call (which is passed in prep_info), this call will add in any additional entities or attributes (passed in target_attr), so that they can be referenced by policy rules. """ check_policy(controller, request, prep_info['f_name'], prep_info.get('filter_attr'), prep_info.get('input_attr'), target_attr, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def check_policy(controller, request, f_name, filter_attr=None, input_attr=None, target_attr=None, *args, **kwargs): # Makes the arguments from check protection explicit. request.assert_authenticated() if request.context.is_admin: LOG.warning('RBAC: Bypassing authorization') return action = 'identity:%s' % f_name # TODO(henry-nash) need to log the target attributes as well creds = _build_policy_check_credentials( action, request.context_dict, input_attr) # Build the dict the policy engine will check against from both the # parameters passed into the call we are protecting plus the target # attributes provided. policy_dict = {} _handle_member_from_driver(controller, policy_dict, **kwargs) _handle_subject_token_id(controller, request, policy_dict) if target_attr: policy_dict = {'target': target_attr} if input_attr: policy_dict.update(input_attr) if filter_attr: policy_dict.update(filter_attr) for key in kwargs: policy_dict[key] = kwargs[key] controller.policy_api.enforce(creds, action, utils.flatten_dict(policy_dict)) LOG.debug('RBAC: Authorization granted')
[docs]def get_token_ref(context): """Retrieve KeystoneToken object from the auth context and returns it. :param dict context: The request context. :raises keystone.exception.Unauthorized: If auth context cannot be found. :returns: The KeystoneToken object. """ try: # Retrieve the auth context that was prepared by AuthContextMiddleware. auth_context = (context['environment'][AUTH_CONTEXT_ENV]) return auth_context['token'] except KeyError: LOG.warning("Couldn't find the auth context.") raise exception.Unauthorized()
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