Welcome to Neutron’s developer documentation!

Welcome to Neutron’s developer documentation!

Neutron is an OpenStack project to provide “network connectivity as a service” between interface devices (e.g., vNICs) managed by other OpenStack services (e.g., nova). It implements the Neutron API.

This document describes Neutron for contributors of the project, and assumes that you are already familiar with Neutron from an end-user perspective.

This documentation is generated by the Sphinx toolkit and lives in the source tree. Additional documentation on Neutron and other components of OpenStack can be found on the OpenStack wiki and the Neutron section of the wiki. The Neutron Development wiki is also a good resource for new contributors.



There is a collection of dashboards to help developers and reviewers located here.

API Extensions

Go to http://api.openstack.org for information about OpenStack Network API extensions.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.