


Renders template files providing a create/update override interface

  • The module contains the template functionality with the ability to override items in config, in transit, through the use of a simple dictionary without having to write out various temp files on target machines. The module renders all of the potential jinja a user could provide in both the template file and in the override dictionary which is ideal for deployers who may have lots of different configs using a similar code base.
  • The module is an extension of the copy module and all of attributes that can be set there are available to be set here.


  - name: run config template ini
      src: templates/test.ini.j2
      dest: /tmp/test.ini
      config_overrides: {}
      config_type: ini

  - name: run config template json
      src: templates/test.json.j2
      dest: /tmp/test.json
      config_overrides: {}
      config_type: json

  - name: run config template yaml
      src: templates/test.yaml.j2
      dest: /tmp/test.yaml
      config_overrides: {}
      config_type: yaml
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