Running profiling against Mitaka Keystone (UUID tokens, cache turned on) Parameters

Parameter name Value
OpenStack release Mitaka
Cache on
Token type UUID
Environment characteristics Single node Endpoint list request stats

Control plane request overlook

Metric Value
Total (*) Keystone DB queries count 36
Total (*) Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 365
Infrastructure (SELECT 1) Keystone DB queries count 15
Infrastructure (SELECT 1) Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 158
Real Keystone DB queries count 21
Real Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 207
SELECT Keystone DB queries count 19
SELECT Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 199
INSERT Keystone DB queries count 2
INSERT Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 8


(*) OSprofiler uses specific SQLalchemy cursor events to track what’s going on with the DB layer. This number includes non-real DB requests “SELECT 1”, processed by SQLalchemy itself to make sure that connection to the database is still in place.

Keystone DB queries outliers

DB query Time spent, ms

SELECT local_user.id AS local_user_id, local_user.user_id AS local_user_user_id, local_user.domain_id AS local_user_domain_id, local_user.name AS local_user_name, anon_1.user_id AS anon_1_user_id FROM (SELECT user.id AS user_id FROM user WHERE user.id = %(param_1)s) AS anon_1 INNER JOIN local_user ON anon_1.user_id = local_user.user_id ORDER BY anon_1.user_id


SELECT user.id AS user_id, user.enabled AS user_enabled, user.extra AS user_extra, user.default_project_id AS user_default_project_id FROM user WHERE user.id = %(param_1)s


SELECT service.id AS service_id, service.type AS service_type, service.enabled AS service_enabled, service.extra AS service_extra FROM service WHERE service.id = %(param_1)s


SELECT endpoint.id AS endpoint_id, endpoint.legacy_endpoint_id AS endpoint_legacy_endpoint_id, endpoint.interface AS endpoint_interface, endpoint.region_id AS endpoint_region_id, endpoint.service_id AS endpoint_service_id, endpoint.url AS endpoint_url, endpoint.enabled AS endpoint_enabled, endpoint.extra AS endpoint_extra FROM endpoint


Keystone DB queries with multi JOINs inside

DB query Time spent, ms

Keystone cached methods stats

Cache Cached operations args kwargs Times used
Memcache get_roles_for_user_and_project <keystone.assignment.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19ec8dd0>, u‘31d31420a3e349268cd7875aa1825663’, u’f1a058ad00364df29cb819a5478e8884’   2
Memcache _get_token <keystone.token.persistence.core.PersistenceManager object at 0x7fbe18c510d0>, ‘4826bf1d6cc04e658316a0135d225f32’   1
Memcache get_project <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’f1a058ad00364df29cb819a5478e8884’   2
Memcache get_role <keystone.assignment.core.RoleManager object at 0x7fbe19d8d190>, u‘8272f6d8be65464e94d3be094cf35e4c’   2
Memcache _validate_token <keystone.token.provider.Manager object at 0x7fbe19d55090>, ‘4826bf1d6cc04e658316a0135d225f32’   8
Memcache get_user_by_name <keystone.identity.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe1a0e0950>, u’admin’, ‘default’   2
Memcache get_project_by_name <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’admin’, ‘default’   2
Memcache _get_revoke_tree <keystone.revoke.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19d9d950>,   9
Memcache get_domain <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’default’   4 Server create request stats

Control plane request overlook

Metric Value
Total (*) Keystone DB queries count 22
Total (*) Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 225
Infrastructure (SELECT 1) Keystone DB queries count 8
Infrastructure (SELECT 1) Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 115
Real Keystone DB queries count 14
Real Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 110
SELECT Keystone DB queries count 12
SELECT Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 95
INSERT Keystone DB queries count 2
INSERT Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 15


(*) OSprofiler uses specific SQLalchemy cursor events to track what’s going on with the DB layer. This number includes non-real DB requests “SELECT 1”, processed by SQLalchemy itself to make sure that connection to the database is still in place.

Keystone DB queries outliers

DB query Time spent, ms

SELECT local_user.id AS local_user_id, local_user.user_id AS local_user_user_id, local_user.domain_id AS local_user_domain_id, local_user.name AS local_user_name, anon_1.user_id AS anon_1_user_id FROM (SELECT user.id AS user_id FROM user WHERE user.id = %(param_1)s) AS anon_1 INNER JOIN local_user ON anon_1.user_id = local_user.user_id ORDER BY anon_1.user_id


SELECT user.id AS user_id, user.enabled AS user_enabled, user.extra AS user_extra, user.default_project_id AS user_default_project_id FROM user WHERE user.id = %(param_1)s


SELECT endpoint.id AS endpoint_id, endpoint.legacy_endpoint_id AS endpoint_legacy_endpoint_id, endpoint.interface AS endpoint_interface, endpoint.region_id AS endpoint_region_id, endpoint.service_id AS endpoint_service_id, endpoint.url AS endpoint_url, endpoint.enabled AS endpoint_enabled, endpoint.extra AS endpoint_extra, service_1.id AS service_1_id, service_1.type AS service_1_type, service_1.enabled AS service_1_enabled, service_1.extra AS service_1_extra FROM endpoint LEFT OUTER JOIN service AS service_1 ON service_1.id = endpoint.service_id WHERE endpoint.enabled = true


SELECT service.id AS service_id, service.type AS service_type, service.enabled AS service_enabled, service.extra AS service_extra FROM service WHERE service.id = %(param_1)s


SELECT endpoint.id AS endpoint_id, endpoint.legacy_endpoint_id AS endpoint_legacy_endpoint_id, endpoint.interface AS endpoint_interface, endpoint.region_id AS endpoint_region_id, endpoint.service_id AS endpoint_service_id, endpoint.url AS endpoint_url, endpoint.enabled AS endpoint_enabled, endpoint.extra AS endpoint_extra FROM endpoint


Keystone DB queries with multi JOINs inside

DB query Time spent, ms

Keystone cached methods stats

Cache Cached operations args kwargs Times used
Memcache get_roles_for_user_and_project <keystone.assignment.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19ec8dd0>, u‘31d31420a3e349268cd7875aa1825663’, u’f1a058ad00364df29cb819a5478e8884’   3
Memcache get_project <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db7090>, u’f1a058ad00364df29cb819a5478e8884’   1
Memcache get_domain <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’default’   4
Memcache get_project <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’f1a058ad00364df29cb819a5478e8884’   2
Memcache get_role <keystone.assignment.core.RoleManager object at 0x7fbe19d8d190>, u‘8272f6d8be65464e94d3be094cf35e4c’   3
Memcache _get_token <keystone.token.persistence.core.PersistenceManager object at 0x7fbe19c59bd0>, ‘428e793676454d04a9ea2fec753c35b1’   2
Memcache get_user <keystone.identity.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe1a0e0950>, u‘31d31420a3e349268cd7875aa1825663’   1
Memcache get_user_by_name <keystone.identity.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe1a0e0950>, u’admin’, ‘default’   2
Memcache get_domain <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db7090>, u’default’   2
Memcache get_project_by_name <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’admin’, ‘default’   2
Memcache _get_revoke_tree <keystone.revoke.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19d9d950>,   3
Memcache _validate_token <keystone.token.provider.Manager object at 0x7fbe19d55090>, ‘18d75ba7355d4a8684a5d5658d005f1f’   1 Service list request stats

Control plane request overlook

Metric Value
Total (*) Keystone DB queries count 20
Total (*) Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 131
Infrastructure (SELECT 1) Keystone DB queries count 7
Infrastructure (SELECT 1) Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 48
Real Keystone DB queries count 13
Real Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 83
SELECT Keystone DB queries count 11
SELECT Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 74
INSERT Keystone DB queries count 2
INSERT Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 9


(*) OSprofiler uses specific SQLalchemy cursor events to track what’s going on with the DB layer. This number includes non-real DB requests “SELECT 1”, processed by SQLalchemy itself to make sure that connection to the database is still in place.

Keystone DB queries outliers

DB query Time spent, ms

SELECT local_user.id AS local_user_id, local_user.user_id AS local_user_user_id, local_user.domain_id AS local_user_domain_id, local_user.name AS local_user_name, anon_1.user_id AS anon_1_user_id FROM (SELECT user.id AS user_id FROM user WHERE user.id = %(param_1)s) AS anon_1 INNER JOIN local_user ON anon_1.user_id = local_user.user_id ORDER BY anon_1.user_id


SELECT user.id AS user_id, user.enabled AS user_enabled, user.extra AS user_extra, user.default_project_id AS user_default_project_id FROM user WHERE user.id = %(param_1)s


SELECT endpoint.id AS endpoint_id, endpoint.legacy_endpoint_id AS endpoint_legacy_endpoint_id, endpoint.interface AS endpoint_interface, endpoint.region_id AS endpoint_region_id, endpoint.service_id AS endpoint_service_id, endpoint.url AS endpoint_url, endpoint.enabled AS endpoint_enabled, endpoint.extra AS endpoint_extra, service_1.id AS service_1_id, service_1.type AS service_1_type, service_1.enabled AS service_1_enabled, service_1.extra AS service_1_extra FROM endpoint LEFT OUTER JOIN service AS service_1 ON service_1.id = endpoint.service_id WHERE endpoint.enabled = true


SELECT service.id AS service_id, service.type AS service_type, service.enabled AS service_enabled, service.extra AS service_extra FROM service WHERE service.id = %(param_1)s


SELECT endpoint.id AS endpoint_id, endpoint.legacy_endpoint_id AS endpoint_legacy_endpoint_id, endpoint.interface AS endpoint_interface, endpoint.region_id AS endpoint_region_id, endpoint.service_id AS endpoint_service_id, endpoint.url AS endpoint_url, endpoint.enabled AS endpoint_enabled, endpoint.extra AS endpoint_extra FROM endpoint


Keystone DB queries with multi JOINs inside

DB query Time spent, ms

Keystone cached methods stats

Cache Cached operations args kwargs Times used
Memcache get_roles_for_user_and_project <keystone.assignment.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19ec8dd0>, u‘31d31420a3e349268cd7875aa1825663’, u’f1a058ad00364df29cb819a5478e8884’   2
Memcache _get_token <keystone.token.persistence.core.PersistenceManager object at 0x7fbe1888aad0>, ‘6982459b63f647ed9210bd0ce32f8e95’   1
Memcache get_project <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’f1a058ad00364df29cb819a5478e8884’   2
Memcache get_role <keystone.assignment.core.RoleManager object at 0x7fbe19d8d190>, u‘8272f6d8be65464e94d3be094cf35e4c’   2
Memcache get_user_by_name <keystone.identity.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe1a0e0950>, u’admin’, ‘default’   2
Memcache get_project_by_name <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’admin’, ‘default’   2
Memcache _get_revoke_tree <keystone.revoke.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19d9d950>,   1
Memcache get_domain <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’default’   4 Token issue request stats

Control plane request overlook

Metric Value
Total (*) Keystone DB queries count 9
Total (*) Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 114
Infrastructure (SELECT 1) Keystone DB queries count 3
Infrastructure (SELECT 1) Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 41
Real Keystone DB queries count 6
Real Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 73
SELECT Keystone DB queries count 5
SELECT Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 67
INSERT Keystone DB queries count 1
INSERT Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 6


(*) OSprofiler uses specific SQLalchemy cursor events to track what’s going on with the DB layer. This number includes non-real DB requests “SELECT 1”, processed by SQLalchemy itself to make sure that connection to the database is still in place.

Keystone DB queries outliers

DB query Time spent, ms

SELECT local_user.id AS local_user_id, local_user.user_id AS local_user_user_id, local_user.domain_id AS local_user_domain_id, local_user.name AS local_user_name, anon_1.user_id AS anon_1_user_id FROM (SELECT user.id AS user_id FROM user WHERE user.id = %(param_1)s) AS anon_1 INNER JOIN local_user ON anon_1.user_id = local_user.user_id ORDER BY anon_1.user_id


SELECT user.id AS user_id, user.enabled AS user_enabled, user.extra AS user_extra, user.default_project_id AS user_default_project_id FROM user WHERE user.id = %(param_1)s


SELECT endpoint.id AS endpoint_id, endpoint.legacy_endpoint_id AS endpoint_legacy_endpoint_id, endpoint.interface AS endpoint_interface, endpoint.region_id AS endpoint_region_id, endpoint.service_id AS endpoint_service_id, endpoint.url AS endpoint_url, endpoint.enabled AS endpoint_enabled, endpoint.extra AS endpoint_extra, service_1.id AS service_1_id, service_1.type AS service_1_type, service_1.enabled AS service_1_enabled, service_1.extra AS service_1_extra FROM endpoint LEFT OUTER JOIN service AS service_1 ON service_1.id = endpoint.service_id WHERE endpoint.enabled = true


SELECT service.id AS service_id, service.type AS service_type, service.enabled AS service_enabled, service.extra AS service_extra FROM service WHERE service.id = %(param_1)s


SELECT endpoint.id AS endpoint_id, endpoint.legacy_endpoint_id AS endpoint_legacy_endpoint_id, endpoint.interface AS endpoint_interface, endpoint.region_id AS endpoint_region_id, endpoint.service_id AS endpoint_service_id, endpoint.url AS endpoint_url, endpoint.enabled AS endpoint_enabled, endpoint.extra AS endpoint_extra FROM endpoint


Keystone DB queries with multi JOINs inside

DB query Time spent, ms

Keystone cached methods stats

Cache Cached operations args kwargs Times used
Memcache get_roles_for_user_and_project <keystone.assignment.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19ec8dd0>, u‘31d31420a3e349268cd7875aa1825663’, u’f1a058ad00364df29cb819a5478e8884’   1
Memcache get_project <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’f1a058ad00364df29cb819a5478e8884’   1
Memcache get_role <keystone.assignment.core.RoleManager object at 0x7fbe19d8d190>, u‘8272f6d8be65464e94d3be094cf35e4c’   1
Memcache get_user_by_name <keystone.identity.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe1a0e0950>, u’admin’, ‘default’   1
Memcache get_project_by_name <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’admin’, ‘default’   1
Memcache get_domain <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’default’   2 User list request stats

Control plane request overlook

Metric Value
Total (*) Keystone DB queries count 30
Total (*) Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 178
Infrastructure (SELECT 1) Keystone DB queries count 7
Infrastructure (SELECT 1) Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 33
Real Keystone DB queries count 23
Real Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 145
SELECT Keystone DB queries count 21
SELECT Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 136
INSERT Keystone DB queries count 2
INSERT Keystone DB queries time spent, ms 9


(*) OSprofiler uses specific SQLalchemy cursor events to track what’s going on with the DB layer. This number includes non-real DB requests “SELECT 1”, processed by SQLalchemy itself to make sure that connection to the database is still in place.

Keystone DB queries outliers

DB query Time spent, ms

SELECT password.id AS password_id, password.local_user_id AS password_local_user_id, password.password AS password_password FROM password WHERE %(param_1)s = password.local_user_id


SELECT user.id AS user_id, user.enabled AS user_enabled, user.extra AS user_extra, user.default_project_id AS user_default_project_id FROM user LEFT OUTER JOIN local_user ON user.id = local_user.user_id WHERE local_user.domain_id = %(domain_id_1)s


SELECT service.id AS service_id, service.type AS service_type, service.enabled AS service_enabled, service.extra AS service_extra FROM service WHERE service.id = %(param_1)s


SELECT endpoint.id AS endpoint_id, endpoint.legacy_endpoint_id AS endpoint_legacy_endpoint_id, endpoint.interface AS endpoint_interface, endpoint.region_id AS endpoint_region_id, endpoint.service_id AS endpoint_service_id, endpoint.url AS endpoint_url, endpoint.enabled AS endpoint_enabled, endpoint.extra AS endpoint_extra, service_1.id AS service_1_id, service_1.type AS service_1_type, service_1.enabled AS service_1_enabled, service_1.extra AS service_1_extra FROM endpoint LEFT OUTER JOIN service AS service_1 ON service_1.id = endpoint.service_id WHERE endpoint.enabled = true


SELECT local_user.id AS local_user_id, local_user.user_id AS local_user_user_id, local_user.domain_id AS local_user_domain_id, local_user.name AS local_user_name, anon_1.user_id AS anon_1_user_id FROM (SELECT user.id AS user_id FROM user WHERE user.id = %(param_1)s) AS anon_1 INNER JOIN local_user ON anon_1.user_id = local_user.user_id ORDER BY anon_1.user_id


SELECT user.id AS user_id, user.enabled AS user_enabled, user.extra AS user_extra, user.default_project_id AS user_default_project_id FROM user WHERE user.id = %(param_1)s


SELECT local_user.id AS local_user_id, local_user.user_id AS local_user_user_id, local_user.domain_id AS local_user_domain_id, local_user.name AS local_user_name, anon_1.user_id AS anon_1_user_id FROM (SELECT user.id AS user_id FROM user LEFT OUTER JOIN local_user ON user.id = local_user.user_id WHERE local_user.domain_id = %(domain_id_1)s) AS anon_1 INNER JOIN local_user ON anon_1.user_id = local_user.user_id ORDER BY anon_1.user_id


SELECT endpoint.id AS endpoint_id, endpoint.legacy_endpoint_id AS endpoint_legacy_endpoint_id, endpoint.interface AS endpoint_interface, endpoint.region_id AS endpoint_region_id, endpoint.service_id AS endpoint_service_id, endpoint.url AS endpoint_url, endpoint.enabled AS endpoint_enabled, endpoint.extra AS endpoint_extra FROM endpoint


SELECT federated_user.id AS federated_user_id, federated_user.user_id AS federated_user_user_id, federated_user.idp_id AS federated_user_idp_id, federated_user.protocol_id AS federated_user_protocol_id, federated_user.unique_id AS federated_user_unique_id, federated_user.display_name AS federated_user_display_name, anon_1.user_id AS anon_1_user_id FROM (SELECT user.id AS user_id FROM user WHERE user.id = %(param_1)s) AS anon_1 INNER JOIN federated_user ON anon_1.user_id = federated_user.user_id ORDER BY anon_1.user_id


Keystone DB queries with multi JOINs inside

DB query Time spent, ms

Keystone cached methods stats

Cache Cached operations args kwargs Times used
Memcache get_roles_for_user_and_project <keystone.assignment.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19ec8dd0>, u‘31d31420a3e349268cd7875aa1825663’, u’f1a058ad00364df29cb819a5478e8884’   2
Memcache get_domain <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’default’   4
Memcache get_project <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’f1a058ad00364df29cb819a5478e8884’   2
Memcache get_role <keystone.assignment.core.RoleManager object at 0x7fbe19d8d190>, u‘8272f6d8be65464e94d3be094cf35e4c’   2
Memcache get_user_by_name <keystone.identity.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe1a0e0950>, u’admin’, ‘default’   2
Memcache get_project_by_name <keystone.resource.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19db6090>, u’admin’, ‘default’   2
Memcache _get_revoke_tree <keystone.revoke.core.Manager object at 0x7fbe19d9d950>,   1
Memcache _get_token <keystone.token.persistence.core.PersistenceManager object at 0x7fbe18c53450>, ‘6c4b9b6e838c42ff83e6dcfed52f596e’   1