
  1. Package the searchlight_ui by running:

    python sdist

    This will create a python egg in the dist folder, which can be used to install on the horizon machine or within horizon’s python virtual environment.

  2. Copy in searchlight_ui/enabled directory to openstack_dashboard/local/enabled.

  3. (Optional) Copy the policy file into horizon’s policy files folder, and add this config POLICY_FILES:

    'searchlight_ui': 'searchlight_ui',
  4. Django has a compressor feature that performs many enhancements for the delivery of static files. If the compressor feature is enabled in your environment (COMPRESS_OFFLINE = True), run the following commands:

    $ ./ collectstatic
    $ ./ compress
  5. Finally restart your web server to enable searchlight-ui in your Horizon:

    $ sudo service apache2 restart

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