The tacker.keymgr.barbican_key_manager
Key manager implementation for Barbican
(auth_url)¶ Bases:
Key Manager Interface that wraps the Barbican client API.
(context, managed_object_id)¶ Deletes the specified managed object.
Parameters: - context – contains information of the user and the environment for the request
- managed_object_id – the UUID of the object to delete
Raises: - KeyManagerError – if object deletion fails
- ManagedObjectNotFoundError – if the object could not be found
(context, managed_object_id, metadata_only=False)¶ Retrieves the specified managed object.
Parameters: - context – contains information of the user and the environment for the request
- managed_object_id – the UUID of the object to retrieve
- metadata_only – whether secret data should be included
Returns: ManagedObject representation of the managed object
Raises: - KeyManagerError – if object retrieval fails
- ManagedObjectNotFoundError – if object not found
(context, secret, expiration=None)¶ Stores a secret with the key manager.
Parameters: - context – contains information of the user and the environment for the request
- secret – a secret object with unencrypted payload. Known as “secret” to the barbicanclient api
- expiration – the expiration time of the secret in ISO 8601 format
Returns: the UUID of the stored object
Raises: KeyManagerError – if object store fails