The diskimage_builder.block_device.level3.mount Module

The diskimage_builder.block_device.level3.mount Module

class diskimage_builder.block_device.level3.mount.Mount(config, defaults, state)

Bases: diskimage_builder.block_device.plugin.PluginBase

class diskimage_builder.block_device.level3.mount.MountPointNode(mount_base, config, state)

Bases: diskimage_builder.block_device.plugin.NodeBase


Insert all edges

The dependency edge is created in all cases from the base element (typically a mkfs) and, if this is not the ‘first’ mount-point, an edge is created from the mount-point before in “sorted order” (see sort_mount_points()). This ensures that during mounting (and umounting) the globally correct order is used.

diskimage_builder.block_device.level3.mount.cmp_mount_order(this, other)

Sort comparision function for mount-point sorting

See if this comes before other in mount-order list. In words: if the other mount-point has us as it’s parent, we come before it (are less than it). e.g. /var < /var/log < /var/log/foo

  • this – tuple of mount_point, node name
  • other – tuple of mount_point, node name
Returns int:

cmp value

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