freezer_dr.evacuators.common package


freezer_dr.evacuators.common.driver module

class freezer_dr.evacuators.common.driver.EvacuatorBaseDriver(nodes, evacuator_conf, fencer)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class for all evacuation drivers should implement to have a unified interface

abstract evacuate(enable_fencing=True)[source]

Evacuate the infected node. :return: Two lists; the first one will be the succeeded nodes and the other is the failed nodes

abstract get_info()[source]

Get Driver Information :return: Dict contains driver information

freezer_dr.evacuators.common.manager module

class freezer_dr.evacuators.common.manager.EvacuationManager(enable_fencing=True)[source]

Bases: object


To be re-structured after fixing the nova bug ! :param nodes: list of nodes :return: list of node with more details

freezer_dr.evacuators.common.utils module


Get the hypervisor details, instances running on it, tenants :param nodes: list of hypervisors :return: List of hypervisors with detailed information


Lists all users that have access to a certain tenant. REQUIRE ADMIN PRIVILEGES ! :param nodes: list of hypervisors :return: List of hypervisors with detailed tenant info

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