This guide will help you install Freezer API framework in one of your OpenStack controller node. You can install Freeer API in stand alone virtual or bare metal server but it is strongly suggested install in controller node.
Follow these instructions if your OpenStack controller nodes are installed on Ubuntu or Debian based Linux distros
Install required packages first: (If you have installed Freezer Agent from source, following packages are already installed.)
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip git openssl gcc make automake
Clone proper branch of Freezer API with git:
git clone -b [branch]
Install requirements with pip:
cd freezer-api/
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Freezer API from source:
sudo python install
Copy config file:
sudo cp etc/freezer-api.conf /etc/freezer-api.conf
Edit config file:
sudo nano /etc/freezer-api.conf
# change log file location
log_file = /var/log/freezer-api.log
# configure Keystone authentication
auth_protocol = http
auth_host = [keystone_host_ip_or_hostname]
auth_port = 5000
admin_user = [freezer admin user] # admin or user with admin priviliges
admin_password = [admin password]
admin_tenant_name = [admin tenan] # usually admin
include_service_catalog = False
delay_auth_decision = False
# supported db engine. currently elasticsearch only
hosts='http://[elasticsearch host address]:9200'
# freezer-manage db sync/update uses the following parameter to set the number of replicas
Follow this instructions to install Elasticsearch 1.7.5:
service elasticsearch start
*You must install Elasticsearch 1.7.5 for Freezer API to work correctly*
Elasticsearch needs to know what type of data each document’s field contains. This information is contained in the “mapping”, or schema definition.
Elasticsearch will use dynamic mapping to try to guess the field type from the basic datatypes available in JSON, but some field’s properties have to be explicitly declared to tune the indexing engine.
Let’s initialize database:
freezer-manage db sync
Run Freezer API:
There is not any Freezer API Deamon. If you need to run Freezer API in backgroun, user following commend:
freezer-api >/dev/null 2>&1
Keystone API v2.0 endpoint registration:
keystone service-create --name freezer --type backup \
--description "Freezer Backup Service"
# use public IP address or hostname because Freezer Scheduler must be able
to reach API from public IP or hostname.
# default port is 9090. If you have changed in freezer-api.conf you must
change it here too.
keystone endpoint-create \
--service-id $(keystone service-list | awk '/ backup / {print $2}') \
--publicurl http://[freezer_api_publicurl]:[port] \
--internalurl http://[freezer_api_internalurl]:[port] \
--adminurl http://[freezer_api_adminurl]:[port] \
--region regionOne
Keystone API v3 endpoint registration:
# With OpenStack Liberty, Keystone API v2.0 is depreciated and you will not
able to use "keystone-client" commend instead user "openstack" commend
openstack service create --name freezer \
--description "Freezer Backup Service" backup
# use public IP address or hostname because Freezer Scheduler must be able
to reach API from public IP or hostname.
# default port is 9090. If you have changed in freezer-api.conf you must
change it here too.
openstack endpoint create --publicurl \
--internalurl \
--adminurl \
--region RegionOne backup
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