freezer.snapshot.vss module

freezer.snapshot.vss module


Create a new shadow copy for the specified volume

Windows registry path for vssadmin: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesVSSSettings

MaxShadowCopies Windows is limited in how many shadow copies can create per volume. The default amount of shadow copies is 64, the minimum is 1 and the maxi- mum is 512, if you want to change the default value you need to add/edit the key MaxShadowCopies and set the amount of shadow copies per volume.

MinDiffAreaFileSize The minimum size of the shadow copy storage area is a per-computer setting that can be specified by using the MinDiffAreaFileSize registry value.

If the MinDiffAreaFileSize registry value is not set, the minimum size of the shadow copy storage area is 32 MB for volumes that are smaller than 500 MB and 320 MB for volumes that are larger than 500 MB.

If you have not set a maximum size, there is no limit to the amount of space that can be used.

If the MinDiffAreaFileSize registry value does not exist, the backup application can create it under the following registry key:


Freezer create a shadow copy for each time the client runs it’s been removed after the backup is complete.

Parameters:volume – The letter of the windows volume e.g. c:
Returns:shadow_path: shadow copy path
freezer.snapshot.vss.vss_delete_shadow_copy(shadow_id, windows_volume)

Delete a shadow copy from the volume with the given shadow_id :param shadow_id: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX :return: bool

Delete shadow copy symlink on the file system

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