

  • Install possibly required package for deploying Fuxi or running fuxi-server.


$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev git libffi-dev libssl-dev gcc
$ sudo apt-get install open-iscsi  # Install when using iSCSI client to connect remote volume
$ sudo apt-get install sysfsutils  # Install when os_brick package and iSCSI client used


$ sudo yum -y install python-devel git gcc openssl-devel
$ sudo yum install iscsi-initiator-utils # Install when using iSCSI client to connect remote volume
$ sudo yum install sysfsutils  # Install when os_brick package and iSCSI client used
  • Install requirements.
$ curl | sudo python
$ git clone
$ cd fuxi
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

If fuxi-server run with non-root user, it is expected to enable fuxi-server to execute some Linux command without password interact.

Installing Fuxi

$ sudo python install

Configuring Fuxi

After installing Fuxi, generate sample config, etc/fuxi.conf.sample, running the following:

$ ./tools/

Rename and copy config file at required path:

$ sudo cp etc/fuxi.conf.sample /etc/fuxi/fuxi.conf

Then edit it.

  • Default section
my_ip = MY_IP # The IP of host that Fuxi deployed on
volume_providers = cinder # The enable volume provider for Fuxi
  • Cinder section
region_name = REGION_NAME  # Region name of this node. This is used when picking the URL in the service catalog.
auth_url = AUTH_URL # For example, it can be
username = ADMIN_USER
user_domain_name = Default
project_name = service
project_domain_name = Default
auth_type = password
volume_connector = VOLUME_CONNECTOR # The way to connect to volume. For Cinder, this could chose from `[openstack, osbrick]`
fstype = ext4 # Default filesystem type to format, if not provided from request
  • Nova section
region_name = REGION_NAME  # Region name of this node. This is used when picking the URL in the service catalog.
auth_url = AUTH_URL # For example, it can be
username = ADMIN_USER
user_domain_name = Default
project_name = service
project_domain_name = Default
auth_type = password

Running Fuxi

Fuxi could run with root user permission or non-root use permission. In order to make fuxi-server working normally, some extra config is inevitable.

For root user, when iSCSI client is used

$ ln -s /lib/udev/scsi_id /usr/local/bin

For non-root user

$ echo "fuxi ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/fuxi-rootwrap /etc/fuxi/rootwrap.conf *" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/fuxi-rootwrap

Here user fuxi should be changed to the user run fuxi-server on your host.

Start fuxi-server

$ fuxi-server --config-file /etc/fuxi/fuxi.conf

Testing Fuxi

$ docker volume create --driver fuxi --name test_vol -o size=1 -o fstype=ext4 -o multiattach=true
$ docker volume ls
fuxi                test_vol