Welcome to Glance’s documentation!

Welcome to Glance’s documentation!

About Glance

The Image service (glance) project provides a service where users can upload and discover data assets that are meant to be used with other services. This currently includes images and metadata definitions.

Glance image services include discovering, registering, and retrieving virtual machine (VM) images. Glance has a RESTful API that allows querying of VM image metadata as well as retrieval of the actual image.


The Images API v1, DEPRECATED in the Newton release, has been removed.

VM images made available through Glance can be stored in a variety of locations from simple filesystems to object-storage systems like the OpenStack Swift project.

Glance, as with all OpenStack projects, is written with the following design guidelines in mind:

  • Component based architecture: Quickly add new behaviors
  • Highly available: Scale to very serious workloads
  • Fault tolerant: Isolated processes avoid cascading failures
  • Recoverable: Failures should be easy to diagnose, debug, and rectify
  • Open standards: Be a reference implementation for a community-driven api

Glance Documentation

The Glance Project Team has put together the following documentation for you. Pick the documents that best match your user profile.

User Profile Links
You want to contribute code, documentation, reviews, or ideas to the Glance Project.
You want to administer and maintain a Glance installation.
You want to install and configure Glance for your cloud.
End User or Third-party Developer
You want to use the Image Service APIs provided by Glance.
Everyone Here’s a handy Glossary of terms related to Glance
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.