Bases: heat_integrationtests.functional.functional_base.FunctionalTestsBase
Prove that we can do resource group adopt.
Bases: heat_integrationtests.functional.functional_base.FunctionalTestsBase
Bases: heat_integrationtests.functional.functional_base.FunctionalTestsBase
Test update when the resource definition has changed.
Test the scenario when the ResourceGroup update happens without any changed properties, this can happen if the definition of a contained provider resource changes (files map changes), then the group and underlying nested stack should end up updated.
Bases: heat_integrationtests.functional.functional_base.FunctionalTestsBase
Bases: heat_integrationtests.functional.functional_base.FunctionalTestsBase
Test rolling update with no conflict.
Simple rolling update with no conflict in batch size and minimum instances in service.
Test rolling update with enough available resources
Update with capacity adjustment with enough resources.
Test rolling update with huge batch size.
Rolling Update with a huge batch size(more than current size).
Test rolling update with huge minimum capacity.
Rolling Update with a huge number of minimum instances in service.
Test rolling update(replace)with no conflict.
Simple rolling update replace with no conflict in batch size and minimum instances in service.
Test rolling update with scaledown.
Simple rolling update with reduced size.
Test rolling update with scaleup.
Simple rolling update with increased size.