These resources are enabled, but are not officially supported.
DEPRECATED since 10.0.0 (Queens) - Theshold alarm relies on ceilometer-api and has been deprecated in aodh since Ocata. Use OS::Aodh::GnocchiAggregationByResourcesAlarm instead.
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource that implements alarming service of Aodh.
A resource that allows for the setting alarms based on threshold evaluation for a collection of samples. Also, you can define actions to take if state of watched resource will be satisfied specified conditions. For example, it can watch for the memory consumption and when it reaches 70% on a given instance if the instance has been up for more than 10 min, some action will be called.
Threshold to evaluate against.
Number value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to alarm.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type zaqar.queue
Operator used to compare specified statistic with threshold.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: le, ge, eq, lt, gt, ne
True if alarm evaluation/actioning is enabled.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Number of periods to evaluate over.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to insufficient-data.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type zaqar.queue
Meter should match this resource metadata (key=value) additionally to the meter_name.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
A list of URLs (webhooks) to invoke when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A list of Zaqar queues to post to when state transitions to ok.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type zaqar.queue
Period (seconds) to evaluate over.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 2015.1 (Kilo)
A list of query factors, each comparing a Sample attribute with a value. Implicitly combined with matching_metadata, if any.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Map properties:
Name of attribute to compare. Names of the form metadata.user_metadata.X or metadata.metering.X are equivalent to what you can address through matching_metadata; the former for Nova meters, the latter for all others. To see the attributes of your Samples, use `ceilometer –debug sample-list`.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Comparison operator.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: le, ge, eq, lt, gt, ne
Available since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
The type of the attribute.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “string”.
Allowed values: integer, float, string, boolean, datetime
String value with which to compare.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
False to trigger actions when the threshold is reached AND the alarm’s state has changed. By default, actions are called each time the threshold is reached.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “true”.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Severity of the alarm.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “low”.
Allowed values: low, moderate, critical
Meter statistic to evaluate.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Allowed values: count, avg, sum, min, max
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
Describe time constraints for the alarm. Only evaluate the alarm if the time at evaluation is within this time constraint. Start point(s) of the constraint are specified with a cron expression, whereas its duration is given in seconds.
List value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Map properties:
Description for the time constraint.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Duration for the time constraint.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 0.
Start time for the time constraint. A CRON expression property.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type cron_expression
Timezone for the time constraint (eg. ‘Asia/Taipei’, ‘Europe/Amsterdam’).
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type timezone
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Aodh::Alarm
alarm_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
alarm_queues: [String, String, ...]
comparison_operator: String
description: String
enabled: Boolean
evaluation_periods: Integer
insufficient_data_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
insufficient_data_queues: [String, String, ...]
matching_metadata: {...}
meter_name: String
ok_actions: [Value, Value, ...]
ok_queues: [String, String, ...]
period: Integer
query: [{"field": String, "type": String, "value": String, "op": String}, {"field": String, "type": String, "value": String, "op": String}, ...]
repeat_actions: Boolean
severity: String
statistic: String
threshold: Number
time_constraints: [{"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, {"duration": Integer, "start": String, "timezone": String, "name": String, "description": String}, ...]
DEPRECATED since 8.0.0 (Ocata) - Creating a Glance Image based on an existing URL location requires the Glance v1 API, which is deprecated.
Available since 2014.2 (Juno)
A resource managing images in Glance.
A resource provides managing images that are meant to be used with other services.
Container format of image.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: ami, ari, aki, bare, ova, ovf
Disk format of image.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, iso
URL where the data for this image already resides. For example, if the image data is stored in swift, you could specify “swift://”.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
Operating system architecture.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
Arbitrary properties to associate with the image.
Map value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “{}”.
The image ID. Glance will generate a UUID if not specified.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Scope of image accessibility. Public or private. Default value is False means private. Note: The policy setting of glance allows only users with admin roles to create public image by default.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
ID of image stored in Glance that should be used as the kernel when booting an AMI-style image.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must match pattern: ^([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}$
Amount of disk space (in GB) required to boot image. Default value is 0 if not specified and means no limit on the disk size.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
Amount of ram (in MB) required to boot image. Default value is 0 if not specified and means no limit on the ram size.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
Name for the image. The name of an image is not unique to a Image Service node.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
The common name of the operating system distribution in lowercase.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
Owner of the image.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Whether the image can be deleted. If the value is True, the image is protected and cannot be deleted.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
ID of image stored in Glance that should be used as the ramdisk when booting an AMI-style image.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must match pattern: ^([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}$
Available since 7.0.0 (Newton)
List of image tags.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Glance::Image
architecture: String
container_format: String
disk_format: String
extra_properties: {...}
id: String
is_public: Boolean
kernel_id: String
location: String
min_disk: Integer
min_ram: Integer
name: String
os_distro: String
owner: String
protected: Boolean
ramdisk_id: String
tags: [Value, Value, ...]
DEPRECATED since 9.0.0 (Pike) - Please use OS::Magnum::Cluster instead.
Available since 6.0.0 (Mitaka)
A resource that creates a Magnum Bay.
This resource has been deprecated in favor of OS::Magnum::Cluster.
The name or ID of the bay model.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type magnum.baymodel
Timeout for creating the bay in minutes. Set to 0 for no timeout.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “0”.
The value must be at least 0.
Specifies a custom discovery url for node discovery.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The number of master nodes for this bay.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
The node count for this bay.
Integer value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “1”.
The value must be at least 1.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Magnum::Bay
bay_create_timeout: Integer
baymodel: String
discovery_url: String
master_count: Integer
name: String
node_count: Integer
DEPRECATED since 9.0.0 (Pike) - Please use OS::Magnum::ClusterTemplate instead.
Available since 5.0.0 (Liberty)
A resource for the BayModel in Magnum.
This resource has been deprecated by ClusterTemplate. BayModel is an object that stores template information about the bay which is used to create new bays consistently.
The Container Orchestration Engine for cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: kubernetes, swarm, mesos
The external neutron network name or UUID to attach the Cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type
The image name or UUID to use as a base image for cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type glance.image
The DNS nameserver address.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type ip_addr
Select a docker storage driver.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “devicemapper”.
Allowed values: devicemapper, overlay
The size in GB of the docker volume.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be at least 1.
The fixed neutron network name or UUID to attach the Cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type
The fixed neutron subnet name or UUID to attach the Cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.subnet
The nova flavor name or UUID to use when launching the cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type nova.flavor
Indicates whether created clusters should have a floating ip or not.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The http_proxy address to use for nodes in cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The https_proxy address to use for nodes in cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The name of the SSH keypair to load into the cluster nodes.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type nova.keypair
Arbitrary labels in the form of key=value pairs to associate with cluster.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The nova flavor name or UUID to use when launching the master node of the cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type nova.flavor
Indicates whether created clusters should have a load balancer for master nodes or not.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “True”.
The name of the driver used for instantiating container networks. By default, Magnum will choose the pre-configured network driver based on COE type.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
A comma separated list of addresses for which proxies should not be used in the cluster.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Make the cluster template public. To enable this option, you must own the right to publish in magnum. Which default set to admin only.
Boolean value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Enable the docker registry in the cluster.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
Specify the server type to be used.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “vm”.
Allowed values: vm, bm
Disable TLS in the cluster.
Boolean value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “False”.
The volume driver name for instantiating container volume.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: cinder, rexray
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Magnum::BayModel
coe: String
dns_nameserver: String
docker_storage_driver: String
docker_volume_size: Integer
external_network: String
fixed_network: String
fixed_subnet: String
flavor: String
floating_ip_enabled: Boolean
http_proxy: String
https_proxy: String
image: String
keypair: String
labels: {...}
master_flavor: String
master_lb_enabled: Boolean
name: String
network_driver: String
no_proxy: String
public: Boolean
registry_enabled: Boolean
server_type: String
tls_disabled: Boolean
volume_driver: String
UNSUPPORTED - Use this resource at your own risk.
Resource for specifying extra routes for Neutron router.
Resource allows to specify nexthop IP and destination network for router.
The router id.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.router
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::ExtraRoute
destination: String
nexthop: String
router_id: String
UNSUPPORTED since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
“Heat Template Resource for networking-sfc flow-classifier.
This resource used to select the traffic that can access the service chain. Traffic that matches any flow classifier will be directed to the first port in the chain.
Description for the Flow Classifier.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Destination IP prefix or subnet.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type net_cidr
Destination protocol port maximum.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 65535.
Destination protocol port minimum.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 65535.
L2 ethertype.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “IPv4”.
Allowed values: IPv4, IPv6
ID or name of the neutron destination port.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
ID or name of the neutron source port.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
IP Protocol for the Flow Classifier.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allowed values: tcp, udp, icmp
Source IP prefix or subnet.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type net_cidr
Source protocol port Maximum.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 65535.
Source protocol port Minimum.
Integer value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
The value must be in the range 1 to 65535.
UNSUPPORTED - Currently, no value is supported for this option.
Dictionary of L7-parameters.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::FlowClassifier
description: String
destination_ip_prefix: String
destination_port_range_max: Integer
destination_port_range_min: Integer
ethertype: String
logical_destination_port: String
logical_source_port: String
name: String
protocol: String
source_ip_prefix: String
source_port_range_max: Integer
source_port_range_min: Integer
UNSUPPORTED since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
A resource for neutron networking-sfc.
This resource used to define the service function path by arranging networking-sfc port-pair-groups and set of flow classifiers, to specify the classified traffic flows to enter the chain.
Dictionary of chain parameters. Currently, only correlation=mpls is supported by default.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{‘correlation’: ‘mpls’}”.
Description for the Port Chain.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
A list of flow classifiers to apply to the Port Chain.
List value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Defaults to “[]”.
List contents:
Flow Classifier ID or Name .
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.flow_classifier
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::PortChain
chain_parameters: {...}
description: String
flow_classifiers: [String, String, ...]
name: String
port_pair_groups: [String, String, ...]
UNSUPPORTED since 7.0.0 (Newton)
A resource for neutron networking-sfc port-pair.
This plug-in requires networking-sfc>=1.0.0. So to enable this plug-in, install this library and restart the heat-engine.
A Port Pair represents a service function instance. The ingress port and the egress port of the service function may be specified. If a service function has one bidirectional port, the ingress port has the same value as the egress port.
ID or name of the egress neutron port.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
ID or name of the ingress neutron port.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Value must be of type neutron.port
Description for the Port Pair.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Dictionary of service function parameter. Currently only correlation=None is supported.
Map value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Defaults to “{‘correlation’: None}”.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::PortPair
description: String
egress: String
ingress: String
name: String
service_function_parameters: {...}
UNSUPPORTED since 8.0.0 (Ocata)
Heat Template Resource for networking-sfc port-pair-group.
Multiple port-pairs may be included in a port-pair-group to allow the specification of a set of functionally equivalent Service Functions that can be be used for load distribution.
Description for the Port Pair Group.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Neutron::PortPairGroup
description: String
name: String
port_pairs: [String, String, ...]
DEPRECATED since 9.0.0 (Pike) - Please use OS::Neutron::FloatingIP instead.
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource for managing Nova floating IPs.
Floating IP addresses can change their association between instances by action of the user. One of the most common use cases for floating IPs is to provide public IP addresses to a private cloud, where there are a limited number of IP addresses available. Another is for a public cloud user to have a “static” IP address that can be reassigned when an instance is upgraded or moved.
Allocate a floating IP from a given floating IP pool. Now that nova-network is not supported this represents the external network.
String value expected.
Updates cause replacement.
Allocated floating IP address.
Pool from which floating IP is allocated.
Detailed information about resource.
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Nova::FloatingIP
pool: String
DEPRECATED since 9.0.0 (Pike) - Please use OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation instead.
Available since 2014.1 (Icehouse)
A resource associates Nova floating IP with Nova server resource.
Resource for associating existing Nova floating IP and Nova server.
ID of the floating IP to assign to the server.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Server to assign floating IP to.
String value expected.
Can be updated without replacement.
Value must be of type nova.server
heat_template_version: 2015-04-30
type: OS::Nova::FloatingIPAssociation
floating_ip: String
server_id: String
Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.