
Source code for heat.common.identifier

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import collections
import re

from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse

from heat.common.i18n import _

[docs]class HeatIdentifier(collections.Mapping): FIELDS = ( TENANT, STACK_NAME, STACK_ID, PATH ) = ( 'tenant', 'stack_name', 'stack_id', 'path' ) path_re = re.compile(r'stacks/([^/]+)/([^/]+)(.*)') def __init__(self, tenant, stack_name, stack_id, path=''): """Initialise a HeatIdentifier. Identifier is initialized from a Tenant ID, Stack name, Stack ID and optional path. If a path is supplied and it does not begin with "/", a "/" will be prepended. """ if path and not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path if '/' in stack_name: raise ValueError(_('Stack name may not contain "/"')) self.identity = { self.TENANT: tenant, self.STACK_NAME: stack_name, self.STACK_ID: str(stack_id), self.PATH: path, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_arn(cls, arn): """Generate a new HeatIdentifier by parsing the supplied ARN.""" fields = arn.split(':') if len(fields) < 6 or fields[0].lower() != 'arn': raise ValueError(_('"%s" is not a valid ARN') % arn) id_fragment = ':'.join(fields[5:]) path = cls.path_re.match(id_fragment) if fields[1] != 'openstack' or fields[2] != 'heat' or not path: raise ValueError(_('"%s" is not a valid Heat ARN') % arn) return cls(urlparse.unquote(fields[4]), urlparse.unquote(path.group(1)), urlparse.unquote(path.group(2)), urlparse.unquote(path.group(3)))
[docs] @classmethod def from_arn_url(cls, url): """Generate a new HeatIdentifier by parsing the supplied URL. The URL is expected to contain a valid arn as part of the path. """ # Sanity check the URL urlp = urlparse.urlparse(url) if (urlp.scheme not in ('http', 'https') or not urlp.netloc or not urlp.path): raise ValueError(_('"%s" is not a valid URL') % url) # Remove any query-string and extract the ARN arn_url_prefix = '/arn%3Aopenstack%3Aheat%3A%3A' match = re.search(arn_url_prefix, urlp.path, re.IGNORECASE) if match is None: raise ValueError(_('"%s" is not a valid ARN URL') % url) # the +1 is to skip the leading / url_arn = urlp.path[match.start() + 1:] arn = urlparse.unquote(url_arn) return cls.from_arn(arn)
[docs] def arn(self): """Return as an ARN. Returned in the form: arn:openstack:heat::<tenant>:stacks/<stack_name>/<stack_id><path> """ return 'arn:openstack:heat::%s:%s' % (urlparse.quote(self.tenant, ''), self._tenant_path())
[docs] def arn_url_path(self): """Return an ARN quoted correctly for use in a URL.""" return '/' + urlparse.quote(self.arn())
[docs] def url_path(self): """Return a URL-encoded path segment of a URL. Returned in the form: <tenant>/stacks/<stack_name>/<stack_id><path> """ return '/'.join((urlparse.quote(self.tenant, ''), self._tenant_path()))
def _tenant_path(self): """URL-encoded path segment of a URL within a particular tenant. Returned in the form: stacks/<stack_name>/<stack_id><path> """ return 'stacks/%s%s' % (self.stack_path(), urlparse.quote(encodeutils.safe_encode( self.path)))
[docs] def stack_path(self): """Return a URL-encoded path segment of a URL without a tenant. Returned in the form: <stack_name>/<stack_id> """ return '%s/%s' % (urlparse.quote(self.stack_name, ''), urlparse.quote(self.stack_id, ''))
def _path_components(self): """Return a list of the path components.""" return self.path.lstrip('/').split('/') def __getattr__(self, attr): """Return a component of the identity when accessed as an attribute.""" if attr not in self.FIELDS: raise AttributeError(_('Unknown attribute "%s"') % attr) return self.identity[attr] def __getitem__(self, key): """Return one of the components of the identity.""" if key not in self.FIELDS: raise KeyError(_('Unknown attribute "%s"') % key) return self.identity[key] def __len__(self): """Return the number of components in an identity.""" return len(self.FIELDS) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.FIELDS def __iter__(self): return iter(self.FIELDS) def __repr__(self): return repr(dict(self))
[docs]class ResourceIdentifier(HeatIdentifier): """An identifier for a resource.""" RESOURCE_NAME = 'resource_name' def __init__(self, tenant, stack_name, stack_id, path, resource_name=None): """Initialise a new Resource identifier. The identifier is based on the identifier components of the owning stack and the resource name. """ if resource_name is not None: if '/' in resource_name: raise ValueError(_('Resource name may not contain "/"')) path = '/'.join([path.rstrip('/'), 'resources', resource_name]) super(ResourceIdentifier, self).__init__(tenant, stack_name, stack_id, path) def __getattr__(self, attr): """Return a component of the identity when accessed as an attribute.""" if attr == self.RESOURCE_NAME: return self._path_components()[-1] return HeatIdentifier.__getattr__(self, attr)
[docs] def stack(self): """Return a HeatIdentifier for the owning stack.""" return HeatIdentifier(self.tenant, self.stack_name, self.stack_id, '/'.join(self._path_components()[:-2]))
[docs]class EventIdentifier(HeatIdentifier): """An identifier for an event.""" (RESOURCE_NAME, EVENT_ID) = (ResourceIdentifier.RESOURCE_NAME, 'event_id') def __init__(self, tenant, stack_name, stack_id, path, event_id=None): """Initialise a new Event identifier based on components. The identifier is based on the identifier components of the associated resource and the event ID. """ if event_id is not None: path = '/'.join([path.rstrip('/'), 'events', event_id]) super(EventIdentifier, self).__init__(tenant, stack_name, stack_id, path) def __getattr__(self, attr): """Return a component of the identity when accessed as an attribute.""" if attr == self.RESOURCE_NAME: return getattr(self.resource(), attr) if attr == self.EVENT_ID: return self._path_components()[-1] return HeatIdentifier.__getattr__(self, attr)
[docs] def resource(self): """Return a HeatIdentifier for the owning resource.""" return ResourceIdentifier(self.tenant, self.stack_name, self.stack_id, '/'.join(self._path_components()[:-2]))
[docs] def stack(self): """Return a HeatIdentifier for the owning stack.""" return self.resource().stack()
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