API over the nova service.
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API for managing aggregate extra specs
Get a specific aggregate’s extra specs
Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/flavors/1/extra-specs
Update a specific aggregate’s extra specs.
This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API for nova availability zones.
Get a list of availability zones.
The following get parameters may be passed in the GET request:
Parameters: | detailed – If this equals “true” then the result will include more detail. |
The listing result is an object with property “items”.
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API for nova extensions.
Get a list of extensions.
The listing result is an object with property “items”. Each item is an image.
Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/extensions
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API for retrieving a single flavor
Get a specific flavor
Parameters: | get_extras – Also retrieve the extra specs. |
Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/flavors/1
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API for managing flavor extra specs
Get a specific flavor’s extra specs
Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/flavors/1/extra-specs
Update a specific flavor’s extra specs.
This method returns HTTP 204 (no content) on success.
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API for nova flavors.
Get a list of flavors.
The listing result is an object with property “items”. Each item is a flavor. By default this will return the flavors for the user’s current project. If the user is admin, public flavors will also be returned.
Parameters: |
Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/flavors?is_public=true
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
Creates a new keypair and associates it to the current project.
Parameters: |
This returns the new keypair object on success.
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API for nova keypairs.
Get a list of keypairs associated with the current logged-in account.
The listing result is an object with property “items”.
Create a keypair.
Create a keypair using the parameters supplied in the POST application/json object. The parameters are:
Parameters: |
This returns the new keypair object on success.
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API for nova limits.
Get an object describing the current project limits.
Note: the Horizon API doesn’t support any other project (tenant) but the underlying client does...
The following get parameters may be passed in the GET request:
Parameters: | reserved – This may be set to “true” but it’s not clear what the result of that is. |
The result is an object with limits as properties.
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API for retrieving a single server
Get a specific server
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API for server metadata.
Get a specific server’s metadata
Update metadata items for a server
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API over all servers.
Get a list of servers.
The listing result is an object with property “items”. Each item is a server.
Example GET: http://localhost/api/nova/servers
Create a server.
Create a server using the parameters supplied in the POST application/json object. The required parameters as specified by the underlying novaclient are:
Parameters: |
Other parameters are accepted as per the underlying novaclient: “block_device_mapping”, “block_device_mapping_v2”, “nics”, “meta”, “availability_zone”, “instance_count”, “admin_pass”, “disk_config”, “config_drive”
This returns the new server object on success.
Bases: django.views.generic.base.View
API for nova services.
Get a list of nova services. Will return HTTP 501 status code if the service_list extension is not supported.