Bases: horizon.forms.views.ModalBackdropMixin, django.views.generic.base.TemplateView
A generic class-based view which handles the intricacies of workflow processing with minimal user configuration.
The template to use when rendering this view via standard HTTP requests. Required.
The template to use when rendering the workflow for AJAX requests. In general the default common template should be used. Defaults to "horizon/common/_workflow.html".
The key which should be used for the workflow object in the template context. Defaults to "workflow".
Handler for HTTP GET requests.
Returns the template context, including the workflow class.
This method should be overridden in subclasses to provide additional context data to the template.
Returns initial data for the workflow. Defaults to using the GET parameters to allow pre-seeding of the workflow context values.
returns classes for the workflow element in template based on the workflow characteristics
Returns the template name to use for this request.
Returns the instantiated workflow class.
Handler for HTTP POST requests.
Validates the workflow steps from start to end, inclusive.
Returns a dict describing the validation state of the workflow.