Infrastructure changelog¶
What has been done:
recreated Opensearch cluster
resize storage from 50GB to 1TB
changed cloudformation stack name from opensearchteststack to opensearchstack,
added security rule that allows to push logs to the Logstash service,
renamed Logstash container service deployment from pre-prod-Cluster to production-Cluster.
Executed commands:
# Delete stacks if they exist
echo "Deleting Logstash stack..."
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name logstashstack
echo "Waiting 60 minutes (press enter to continue)..."
read -t 3600 NullVariable
echo "Deleting Opensearch stack..."
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name opensearchteststack
echo "Waiting 60 minutes (press enter to continue)..."
read -t 3600 NullVariable
# Create OpenSearch Cluster stack
echo ""
echo "Creating Opensearch stack..."
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name opensearchstack --template-body file://opensearch.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=SSHKey,ParameterValue=my-keypair --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
echo "Waiting 60 minutes (press enter to continue)..."
read -t 3600 NullVariable
# Create Logstash Cluster stack
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name logstashstack --template-body file://logstash_cluster.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
Different changes to CloudFormatino templates have different “update behaviors”. For example, changing the EBS configuration of an OpenSearch cluster requires “No interruption” (source). Others (like changing the name of a CloudFormation stack or a load balancer) require total replacement. Those update behaviors are documented here. If you’re deploying a change that doesn’t require resource replacement, you can run the “update-stack” commands:
aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name opensearchstack --template-body file://opensearch.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=SSHKey,ParameterValue=my-keypair --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
aws cloudformation update-stack --stack-name logstashstack --template-body file://logstash_cluster.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
What has been done:
creted cloudformation stack for Logstash,
created Opensearch cluster,
created readonly user and readonly role,
deployed logscraper, loggearman-client and loggearman-worker services on
Configuration has been describe here <>