Source code for ironic_python_agent.inject_files

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Implementation of the inject_files deploy step."""

import base64
import contextlib
import os

from oslo_concurrency import processutils
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log

from ironic_python_agent import disk_utils
from ironic_python_agent import errors
from ironic_python_agent import hardware
from ironic_python_agent import utils

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

    "files": {
        "description": (
            "Files to inject, a list of file structures with keys: 'path' "
            "(path to the file), 'partition' (partition specifier), "
            "'content' (base64 encoded string), 'mode' (new file mode) and "
            "'dirmode' (mode for the leaf directory, if created). "
            "Merged with the values from[inject_files]."
        "required": False,
    "verify_ca": {
        "description": (
            "Whether to verify TLS certificates. Global agent options "
            "are used by default."
        "required": False,

[docs] def inject_files(node, ports, files, verify_ca=True): """A deploy step to inject arbitrary files. :param node: A dictionary of the node object :param ports: A list of dictionaries containing information of ports for the node :param files: See ARGSINFO. :param verify_ca: Whether to verify TLS certificate. :raises: InvalidCommandParamsError """ files = _validate_files( node['properties'].get('inject_files') or [], files or []) if not files:'No files to inject') return http_get = utils.StreamingClient(verify_ca) root_dev = hardware.dispatch_to_managers('get_os_install_device') for fl in files: _inject_one(node, ports, fl, root_dev, http_get)
def _inject_one(node, ports, fl, root_dev, http_get): """Inject one file. :param node: A dictionary of the node object :param ports: A list of dictionaries containing information of ports for the node :param fl: File information. :param root_dev: Root device used for the current node. :param http_get: Context manager to get HTTP URLs. """ with _find_and_mount_path(fl['path'], fl.get('partition'), root_dev) as path: if fl.get('deleted'): utils.unlink_without_raise(path) return try: dirpath = os.path.dirname(path) try: os.makedirs(dirpath) except FileExistsError: pass else: # Use chmod here and below to avoid relying on umask if fl.get('dirmode'): os.chmod(dirpath, fl['dirmode']) content = fl['content'] with open(path, 'wb') as fp: if '://' in content: # Allow node-specific URLs to be used in a deploy template url = content.format(node=node, ports=ports) with http_get(url) as resp: for chunk in resp: fp.write(chunk) else: fp.write(base64.b64decode(content)) if fl.get('mode'): os.chmod(path, fl['mode']) if fl.get('owner') is not None or fl.get('group') is not None: # -1 means do not change os.chown(path, fl.get('owner', -1), fl.get('group', -1)) except Exception as exc: LOG.exception('Failed to process file %s', fl) raise errors.CommandExecutionError( 'Failed to process file %s. %s: %s' % (fl, type(exc).__class__, exc)) @contextlib.contextmanager def _find_and_mount_path(path, partition, root_dev): """Find the specified path on a device. Tries to find the suitable device for the file based on the ``path`` and ``partition``, mount the device and provides the actual full path. :param path: Path to the file to find. :param partition: Device to find the file on or None. :param root_dev: Root device from the hardware manager. :return: Context manager that yields the full path to the file. """ path = os.path.normpath(path.strip('/')) # to make path joining work if partition: try: part_num = int(partition) except ValueError: with utils.mounted(partition) as part_path: yield os.path.join(part_path, path) else: # TODO(dtantsur): switch to ironic-lib instead: # part_template = '%s%s' if 'nvme' in root_dev: part_template = '%sp%s' part_dev = part_template % (root_dev, part_num) with utils.mounted(part_dev) as part_path: yield os.path.join(part_path, path) else: try: # This turns e.g. etc/sysctl.d/my.conf into etc + sysctl.d/my.conf detect_dir, rest_dir = path.split('/', 1) except ValueError: # Validation ensures that files in / have "partition" present, # checking here just in case. raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( "Invalid path %s, must be an absolute path to a file" % path) with find_partition_with_path(detect_dir, root_dev) as part_path: yield os.path.join(part_path, rest_dir)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def find_partition_with_path(path, device=None): """Find a partition with the given path. :param path: Expected path. :param device: Target device. If None, the root device is used. :returns: A context manager that will unmount and delete the temporary mount point on exit. """ if device is None: device = hardware.dispatch_to_managers('get_os_install_device') partitions = disk_utils.list_partitions(device) # Make os.path.join work as expected lookup_path = path.lstrip('/') for part in partitions: if 'lvm' in part['flags']: LOG.debug('Skipping LVM partition %s', part) continue # TODO(dtantsur): switch to ironic-lib instead: # part_template = '%s%s' if 'nvme' in device: part_template = '%sp%s' part_path = part_template % (device, part['number']) LOG.debug('Inspecting partition %s for path %s', part, path) try: with utils.mounted(part_path) as local_path: found_path = os.path.join(local_path, lookup_path) if not os.path.isdir(found_path): continue'Path %s has been found on partition %s', path, part) yield found_path return except processutils.ProcessExecutionError as exc: LOG.warning('Failure when inspecting partition %s: %s', part, exc) raise errors.DeviceNotFound("No partition found with path %s, scanned: %s" % (path, partitions))
def _validate_files(from_properties, from_args): """Sanity check for files.""" if not isinstance(from_properties, list): raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( "The `inject_files` node property must be a list, got %s" % type(from_properties).__name__) if not isinstance(from_args, list): raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( "The `files` argument must be a list, got %s" % type(from_args).__name__) files = from_properties + from_args failures = [] for fl in files: unknown = set(fl) - {'path', 'partition', 'content', 'deleted', 'mode', 'dirmode', 'owner', 'group'} if unknown: failures.append('unexpected fields in %s: %s' % (fl, ', '.join(unknown))) if not fl.get('path'): failures.append('expected a path in %s' % fl) elif os.path.dirname(fl['path']) == '/' and not fl.get('partition'): failures.append('%s in root directory requires "partition"' % fl) elif fl['path'].endswith('/'): failures.append('directories not supported for %s' % fl) if fl.get('content') and fl.get('deleted'): failures.append('content cannot be used with deleted in %s' % fl) for field in ('owner', 'group', 'mode', 'dirmode'): if field in fl and type(fl[field]) is not int: failures.append('%s must be a number in %s' % (field, fl)) if failures: raise errors.InvalidCommandParamsError( "Validation of files failed: %s" % '; '.join(failures)) return files