The ironic.common.swift
[source]¶ Bases:
API for communicating with Swift.
(container, obj, filename, object_headers=None)[source]¶ Uploads a given file to Swift.
Parameters: - container – The name of the container for the object.
- obj – The name of the object in Swift
- filename – The file to upload, as the object data
- object_headers – the headers for the object to pass to Swift
Returns: The Swift UUID of the object
Raises: SwiftOperationError, if any operation with Swift fails.
(container, obj)[source]¶ Deletes the given Swift object.
Parameters: - container – The name of the container in which Swift object is placed.
- obj – The name of the object in Swift to be deleted.
Raises: SwiftObjectNotFoundError, if object is not found in Swift.
Raises: SwiftOperationError, if operation with Swift fails.
(container, obj, timeout)[source]¶ Returns the temp url for the given Swift object.
Parameters: - container – The name of the container in which Swift object is placed.
- obj – The name of the Swift object.
- timeout – The timeout in seconds after which the generated url should expire.
Returns: The temp url for the object.
Raises: SwiftOperationError, if any operation with Swift fails.
(container, obj)[source]¶ Retrieves the information about the given Swift object.
Parameters: - container – The name of the container in which Swift object is placed.
- obj – The name of the object in Swift
Returns: The information about the object as returned by Swift client’s head_object call.
Raises: SwiftOperationError, if operation with Swift fails.
(container, obj, object_headers)[source]¶ Update the metadata of a given Swift object.
Parameters: - container – The name of the container in which Swift object is placed.
- obj – The name of the object in Swift
- object_headers – the headers for the object to pass to Swift
Raises: SwiftOperationError, if operation with Swift fails.