Redfish hardware metrics

The redfish hardware type supports sending hardware metrics via the notification system. The event_type field of a notification will be set to hardware.redfish.metrics (where redfish may be replaced by a different driver name for hardware types derived from it).

Enabling redfish hardware metrics requires some ironic.conf configuration file updates:

# The Drivers(s) to handle sending notifications. Possible
# values are messaging, messagingv2, routing, log, test, noop,
# prometheus_exporter (multi valued)
# Example using the messagingv2 driver:
driver = messagingv2

send_sensor_data = true

backend = collector

A full list of [oslo_messaging_notifications] configuration options can be found in the oslo.messaging documentation

The payload of each notification is a mapping where keys are sensor types (Fan, Temperature, Power or Drive) and values are also mappings from sensor identifiers to the sensor data.

Each Fan payload contains the following fields:

  • max_reading_range, min_reading_range - the range of reading values.

  • reading, reading_units - the current reading and its units.

  • serial_number - the serial number of the fan sensor.

  • physical_context - the context of the sensor, such as SystemBoard. Can also be null or just Fan.

Each Temperature payload contains the following fields:

  • max_reading_range_temp, min_reading_range_temp - the range of reading values.

  • reading_celsius - the current reading in degrees Celsius.

  • sensor_number - the number of the temperature sensor.

  • physical_context - the context of the sensor, usually reflecting its location, such as CPU, Memory, Intake, PowerSupply or SystemBoard. Can also be null.

Each Power payload contains the following fields:

  • power_capacity_watts, line_input_voltage, last_power_output_watts

  • serial_number - the serial number of the power source.

  • state - the power source state: enabled, absent (null if unknown).

  • health - the power source health status: ok, warning, critical (null if unknown).

Each Drive payload contains the following fields:

  • name - the drive name in the BMC (this is not a Linux device name like /dev/sda).

  • model - the drive model (if known).

  • capacity_bytes - the drive capacity in bytes.

  • state - the drive state: enabled, absent (null if unknown).

  • health - the drive health status: ok, warning, critical (null if unknown).


Drive payloads are often not available on real hardware.


Metrics collection works by polling several Redfish endpoints on the target BMC. Some older BMC implementations may have hard rate limits or misbehave under load. If this is the case for you, you need to reduce the metrics collection frequency or completely disable it.

Example (Dell)

    "message_id": "578628d2-9967-4d33-97ca-7e7c27a76abc",
    "publisher_id": "",
    "event_type": "hardware.redfish.metrics",
    "priority": "INFO",
    "payload": {
        "message_id": "60653d54-87aa-43b8-a4ed-96d568dd4e96",
        "instance_uuid": null,
        "node_uuid": "aea161dc-2e96-4535-b003-ca70a4a7bb6d",
        "timestamp": "2023-10-22T15:50:26.841964",
        "node_name": "dell-430",
        "event_type": "hardware.redfish.metrics.update",
        "payload": {
            "Fan": {
                "0x17||Fan.Embedded.1A@System.Embedded.1": {
                    "identity": "0x17||Fan.Embedded.1A",
                    "max_reading_range": null,
                    "min_reading_range": 720,
                    "reading": 1680,
                    "reading_units": "RPM",
                    "serial_number": null,
                    "physical_context": "SystemBoard",
                    "state": "enabled",
                    "health": "ok"
                "0x17||Fan.Embedded.2A@System.Embedded.1": {
                    "identity": "0x17||Fan.Embedded.2A",
                    "max_reading_range": null,
                    "min_reading_range": 720,
                    "reading": 3120,
                    "reading_units": "RPM",
                    "serial_number": null,
                    "physical_context": "SystemBoard",
                    "state": "enabled",
                    "health": "ok"
                "0x17||Fan.Embedded.2B@System.Embedded.1": {
                    "identity": "0x17||Fan.Embedded.2B",
                    "max_reading_range": null,
                    "min_reading_range": 720,
                    "reading": 3000,
                    "reading_units": "RPM",
                    "serial_number": null,
                    "physical_context": "SystemBoard",
                    "state": "enabled",
                    "health": "ok"
            "Temperature": {
                "iDRAC.Embedded.1#SystemBoardInletTemp@System.Embedded.1": {
                    "identity": "iDRAC.Embedded.1#SystemBoardInletTemp",
                    "max_reading_range_temp": 47,
                    "min_reading_range_temp": -7,
                    "reading_celsius": 28,
                    "physical_context": "SystemBoard",
                    "sensor_number": 4,
                    "state": "enabled",
                    "health": "ok"
                "iDRAC.Embedded.1#CPU1Temp@System.Embedded.1": {
                    "identity": "iDRAC.Embedded.1#CPU1Temp",
                    "max_reading_range_temp": 90,
                    "min_reading_range_temp": 3,
                    "reading_celsius": 63,
                    "physical_context": "CPU",
                    "sensor_number": 14,
                    "state": "enabled",
                    "health": "ok"
            "Power": {
                "PSU.Slot.1:Power@System.Embedded.1": {
                    "power_capacity_watts": null,
                    "line_input_voltage": 206,
                    "last_power_output_watts": null,
                    "serial_number": "CNLOD0075324D7",
                    "state": "enabled",
                    "health": "ok"
                "PSU.Slot.2:Power@System.Embedded.1": {
                    "power_capacity_watts": null,
                    "line_input_voltage": null,
                    "last_power_output_watts": null,
                    "serial_number": "CNLOD0075324E5",
                    "state": null,
                    "health": "critical"
            "Drive": {
                "Solid State Disk 0:1:0:RAID.Integrated.1-1@System.Embedded.1": {
                    "name": "Solid State Disk 0:1:0",
                    "capacity_bytes": 479559942144,
                    "state": "enabled",
                    "health": "ok"
                "Physical Disk 0:1:1:RAID.Integrated.1-1@System.Embedded.1": {
                    "name": "Physical Disk 0:1:1",
                    "capacity_bytes": 1799725514752,
                    "state": "enabled",
                    "health": "ok"
                "Physical Disk 0:1:2:RAID.Integrated.1-1@System.Embedded.1": {
                    "name": "Physical Disk 0:1:2",
                    "capacity_bytes": 1799725514752,
                    "state": "enabled",
                    "health": "ok"
                "Backplane 1 on Connector 0 of Integrated RAID Controller 1:RAID.Integrated.1-1@System.Embedded.1": {
                    "name": "Backplane 1 on Connector 0 of Integrated RAID Controller 1",
                    "capacity_bytes": null,
                    "state": "enabled",
                    "health": "ok"
    "timestamp": "2023-10-22 15:50:36.700458"