ironic.api.controllers.v1.volume_connector module¶
- class ironic.api.controllers.v1.volume_connector.VolumeConnectorsController(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
REST controller for VolumeConnectors.
- delete(connector_uuid)[source]¶
Delete a volume connector.
- Parameters:
connector_uuid – UUID of a volume connector.
- Raises:
OperationNotPermitted if accessed with specifying a parent node.
- Raises:
NodeLocked if node is locked by another conductor
- Raises:
NodeNotFound if the node associated with the connector does not exist
- Raises:
VolumeConnectorNotFound if the volume connector cannot be found
- Raises:
InvalidStateRequested If a node associated with the volume connector is not powered off.
- get_all(node=None, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc', fields=None, detail=None, project=None)[source]¶
Retrieve a list of volume connectors.
- Parameters:
node – UUID or name of a node, to get only volume connectors for that node.
marker – pagination marker for large data sets.
limit – maximum number of resources to return in a single result. This value cannot be larger than the value of max_limit in the [api] section of the ironic configuration, or only max_limit resources will be returned.
sort_key – column to sort results by. Default: id.
sort_dir – direction to sort. “asc” or “desc”. Default: “asc”.
fields – Optional, a list with a specified set of fields of the resource to be returned.
detail – Optional, whether to retrieve with detail.
- Returns:
a list of volume connectors, or an empty list if no volume connector is found.
- Raises:
InvalidParameterValue if sort_key does not exist
- Raises:
InvalidParameterValue if sort key is invalid for sorting.
- Raises:
InvalidParameterValue if both fields and detail are specified.
- get_one(connector_uuid, fields=None)[source]¶
Retrieve information about the given volume connector.
- Parameters:
connector_uuid – UUID of a volume connector.
fields – Optional, a list with a specified set of fields of the resource to be returned.
- Returns:
API-serializable volume connector object.
- Raises:
OperationNotPermitted if accessed with specifying a parent node.
- Raises:
VolumeConnectorNotFound if no volume connector exists with the specified UUID.
- invalid_sort_key_list = ['extra']¶
- patch(connector_uuid, patch)[source]¶
Update an existing volume connector.
- Parameters:
connector_uuid – UUID of a volume connector.
patch – a json PATCH document to apply to this volume connector.
- Returns:
API-serializable volume connector object.
- Raises:
OperationNotPermitted if accessed with specifying a parent node.
- Raises:
PatchError if a given patch can not be applied.
- Raises:
VolumeConnectorNotFound if no volume connector exists with the specified UUID.
- Raises:
InvalidParameterValue if the volume connector’s UUID is being changed
- Raises:
NodeLocked if node is locked by another conductor
- Raises:
NodeNotFound if the node associated with the connector does not exist
- Raises:
VolumeConnectorTypeAndIdAlreadyExists if another connector already exists with the same values for type and connector_id fields
- Raises:
InvalidUUID if invalid node UUID is passed in the patch.
- Raises:
InvalidStateRequested If a node associated with the volume connector is not powered off.
- post(connector)[source]¶
Create a new volume connector.
- Parameters:
connector – a volume connector within the request body.
- Returns:
API-serializable volume connector object.
- Raises:
OperationNotPermitted if accessed with specifying a parent node.
- Raises:
VolumeConnectorTypeAndIdAlreadyExists if a volume connector already exists with the same type and connector_id
- Raises:
VolumeConnectorAlreadyExists if a volume connector with the same UUID already exists