ironic.drivers.utils module¶
- class ironic.drivers.utils.MixinVendorInterface(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Wrapper around multiple VendorInterfaces.
- get_properties()[source]¶
Return the properties from all the VendorInterfaces.
- Returns:
a dictionary of <property_name>:<property_description> entries.
- validate(task, method, **kwargs)[source]¶
Call validate on the appropriate interface only.
- Raises:
UnsupportedDriverExtension if ‘method’ can not be mapped to the supported interfaces.
- Raises:
InvalidParameterValue if ‘method’ is invalid.
- Raises:
MissingParameterValue if missing ‘method’ or parameters in kwargs.
- ironic.drivers.utils.add_node_capability(task, capability, value)[source]¶
Add ‘capability’ to node’s ‘capabilities’ property.
If ‘capability’ is already present, then a duplicate entry will be added.
- Parameters:
task – Task object.
capability – Capability key.
value – Capability value.
- ironic.drivers.utils.capabilities_to_dict(capabilities)[source]¶
Parse the capabilities string into a dictionary
- Parameters:
capabilities – the capabilities of the node as a formatted string.
- Raises:
InvalidParameterValue if capabilities is not an string or has a malformed value
- ironic.drivers.utils.collect_ramdisk_logs(node, label=None)[source]¶
Collect and store the system logs from the IPA ramdisk.
Collect and store the system logs from the IPA ramdisk. This method makes a call to the IPA ramdisk to collect the logs and store it according to the configured storage backend.
- Parameters:
node – A node object.
label – A string to label the log file such as a clean step name.
- ironic.drivers.utils.ensure_next_boot_device(task, driver_info)[source]¶
Ensure boot from correct device if persistent is True
If ipmi_force_boot_device is True and is_next_boot_persistent, set to boot from correct device, else unset is_next_boot_persistent field.
- Parameters:
task – Node object.
driver_info – Node driver_info.
- ironic.drivers.utils.force_persistent_boot(task, device, persistent)[source]¶
Set persistent boot device to driver_internal_info
If persistent is True set ‘persistent_boot_device’ field to the boot device and reset persistent to False, else set ‘is_next_boot_persistent’ to False.
- Parameters:
task – Task object.
device – Boot device.
persistent – Whether next boot is persistent or not.
- ironic.drivers.utils.get_agent_iso(node, mode='deploy', deprecated_prefix=None)[source]¶
Get the agent ISO image.
- ironic.drivers.utils.get_agent_kernel_ramdisk(node, mode='deploy', deprecated_prefix=None)[source]¶
Get the agent kernel/ramdisk as a dictionary.
- ironic.drivers.utils.get_field(node, name, deprecated_prefix=None, use_conf=False, collection='driver_info')[source]¶
Get a driver_info field with deprecated prefix.
- ironic.drivers.utils.get_kernel_append_params(node, default)[source]¶
Get the applicable kernel params.
The locations are checked in this order:
The node’s instance_info.
The node’s driver_info.
- Parameters:
node – Node object.
default – Default value.
- ironic.drivers.utils.get_node_capability(node, capability)[source]¶
Returns ‘capability’ value from node’s ‘capabilities’ property.
- Parameters:
node – Node object.
capability – Capability key.
- Returns:
Capability value. If capability is not present, then return “None”
- ironic.drivers.utils.get_node_mac_addresses(task)[source]¶
Get all MAC addresses for the ports belonging to this task’s node.
- Parameters:
task – a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
- Returns:
A list of MAC addresses in the format xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
- ironic.drivers.utils.get_ramdisk_logs_file_name(node, label=None)[source]¶
Construct the log file name.
- Parameters:
node – A node object.
label – A string to label the log file such as a clean step name.
- Returns:
The log file name.
- ironic.drivers.utils.need_prepare_ramdisk(node)[source]¶
Check if node needs preparing ramdisk
- Parameters:
node – Node to check for
- Returns:
True if need to prepare ramdisk, otherwise False
- ironic.drivers.utils.normalize_mac(mac)[source]¶
Remove ‘-’ and ‘:’ characters and lowercase the MAC string.
- Parameters:
mac – MAC address to normalize.
- Returns:
Normalized MAC address string.
- ironic.drivers.utils.power_off_and_on(task)[source]¶
A context manager that handles a reboot.
If disable_power_off is False, the node is powered off before yielding and powered back on afterwards. Otherwise, one reboot is issued in the end.
- ironic.drivers.utils.remove_node_capability(task, name)[source]¶
Remove ‘capability’ from node’s ‘capabilities’ property.
If ‘capability’ is empty, do nothing.
- Parameters:
task – Task object.
capability – Capability key.
- ironic.drivers.utils.store_ramdisk_logs(node, logs, label=None)[source]¶
Store the ramdisk logs.
This method stores the ramdisk logs according to the configured storage backend.
- Parameters:
node – A node object.
logs – A gzipped and base64 encoded string containing the logs archive.
label – A string to label the log file such as a clean step name.
- Raises:
OSError if the directory to save the logs cannot be created.
- Raises:
IOError when the logs can’t be saved to the local file system.
- Raises:
SwiftOperationError, if any operation with Swift fails.