Fake driver


The fake-hardware hardware type is what it claims to be: fake. Use of this type or the fake interfaces should be temporary or limited to non-production environments, as the fake interfaces do not perform any of the actions typically expected.

The fake interfaces can be configured to be combined with any of the “real” hardware interfaces, allowing you to effectively disable one or more hardware interfaces for testing by simply setting that interface to fake.

Use cases


Developers can use fake-hardware hardware-type to mock out nodes for testing without those nodes needing to exist with physical or virtual hardware.


Some OpenStack deployers have used fake interfaces in Ironic to allow an adoption-style workflow with Nova. By setting a node’s hardware interfaces to fake, it’s possible to deploy to that node with Nova without causing any actual changes to the hardware or an OS already deployed on it.

This is generally an unsupported use case, but it is possible. For more information, see the relevant post from CERN TechBlog.