Source code for keystone.middleware.auth

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

from keystonemiddleware import auth_token
from oslo_log import log

from keystone.common import authorization
from keystone.common import context
from keystone.common import dependency
from keystone.common import tokenless_auth
from keystone.common import wsgi
import keystone.conf
from keystone import exception
from keystone.federation import constants as federation_constants
from keystone.federation import utils
from keystone.i18n import _, _LI, _LW
from keystone.middleware import core
from keystone.models import token_model
from keystone.token.providers import common

CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ('AuthContextMiddleware',)

[docs]class AuthContextMiddleware(auth_token.BaseAuthProtocol): """Build the authentication context from the request auth token.""" kwargs_to_fetch_token = True def __init__(self, app): bind = CONF.token.enforce_token_bind super(AuthContextMiddleware, self).__init__(app, log=LOG, enforce_token_bind=bind)
[docs] def fetch_token(self, token, **kwargs): try: return self.token_provider_api.validate_token(token) except exception.TokenNotFound: raise auth_token.InvalidToken(_('Could not find token'))
def _build_tokenless_auth_context(self, request): """Build the authentication context. The context is built from the attributes provided in the env, such as certificate and scope attributes. """ tokenless_helper = tokenless_auth.TokenlessAuthHelper(request.environ) (domain_id, project_id, trust_ref, unscoped) = ( tokenless_helper.get_scope()) user_ref = tokenless_helper.get_mapped_user( project_id, domain_id) # NOTE(gyee): if it is an ephemeral user, the # given X.509 SSL client cert does not need to map to # an existing user. if user_ref['type'] == utils.UserType.EPHEMERAL: auth_context = {} auth_context['group_ids'] = user_ref['group_ids'] auth_context[federation_constants.IDENTITY_PROVIDER] = ( user_ref[federation_constants.IDENTITY_PROVIDER]) auth_context[federation_constants.PROTOCOL] = ( user_ref[federation_constants.PROTOCOL]) if domain_id and project_id: msg = _('Scoping to both domain and project is not allowed') raise ValueError(msg) if domain_id: auth_context['domain_id'] = domain_id if project_id: auth_context['project_id'] = project_id auth_context['roles'] = user_ref['roles'] else: # it's the local user, so token data is needed. token_helper = common.V3TokenDataHelper() token_data = token_helper.get_token_data( user_id=user_ref['id'], method_names=[CONF.tokenless_auth.protocol], domain_id=domain_id, project_id=project_id) auth_context = {'user_id': user_ref['id']} auth_context['is_delegated_auth'] = False if domain_id: auth_context['domain_id'] = domain_id if project_id: auth_context['project_id'] = project_id auth_context['roles'] = [role['name'] for role in token_data['token']['roles']] return auth_context def _validate_trusted_issuer(self, request): """To further filter the certificates that are trusted. If the config option 'trusted_issuer' is absent or does not contain the trusted issuer DN, no certificates will be allowed in tokenless authorization. :param env: The env contains the client issuer's attributes :type env: dict :returns: True if client_issuer is trusted; otherwise False """ if not CONF.tokenless_auth.trusted_issuer: return False issuer = request.environ.get(CONF.tokenless_auth.issuer_attribute) if not issuer: msg = _LI('Cannot find client issuer in env by the ' 'issuer attribute - %s.'), CONF.tokenless_auth.issuer_attribute) return False if issuer in CONF.tokenless_auth.trusted_issuer: return True msg = _LI('The client issuer %(client_issuer)s does not match with ' 'the trusted issuer %(trusted_issuer)s') msg, {'client_issuer': issuer, 'trusted_issuer': CONF.tokenless_auth.trusted_issuer}) return False @wsgi.middleware_exceptions
[docs] def process_request(self, request): context_env = request.environ.get(core.CONTEXT_ENV, {}) if not context_env.get('is_admin', False): resp = super(AuthContextMiddleware, self).process_request(request) if resp: return resp # NOTE(jamielennox): function is split so testing can check errors from # fill_context. There is no actual reason for fill_context to raise # errors rather than return a resp, simply that this is what happened # before refactoring and it was easier to port. This can be fixed up # and the middleware_exceptions helper removed. self.fill_context(request)
[docs] def fill_context(self, request): # The request context stores itself in thread-local memory for logging. request_context = context.RequestContext( request_id=request.environ.get('openstack.request_id'), authenticated=False, overwrite=True) request.environ[context.REQUEST_CONTEXT_ENV] = request_context if authorization.AUTH_CONTEXT_ENV in request.environ: msg = _LW('Auth context already exists in the request ' 'environment; it will be used for authorization ' 'instead of creating a new one.') LOG.warning(msg) return # NOTE(gyee): token takes precedence over SSL client certificates. # This will preserve backward compatibility with the existing # behavior. Tokenless authorization with X.509 SSL client # certificate is effectively disabled if no trusted issuers are # provided. if request.environ.get(core.CONTEXT_ENV, {}).get('is_admin', False): request_context.is_admin = True auth_context = {} elif request.token_auth.has_user_token: request_context.auth_token = request.user_token ref = token_model.KeystoneToken(token_id=request.user_token, token_data=request.token_info) auth_context = authorization.token_to_auth_context(ref) elif self._validate_trusted_issuer(request): auth_context = self._build_tokenless_auth_context(request) else: LOG.debug('There is either no auth token in the request or ' 'the certificate issuer is not trusted. No auth ' 'context will be set.') return # set authenticated to flag to keystone that a token has been validated request_context.authenticated = True # The attributes of request_context are put into the logs. This is a # common pattern for all the OpenStack services. In all the other # projects these are IDs, so set the attributes to IDs here rather than # the name. request_context.user_id = auth_context.get('user_id') request_context.project_id = auth_context.get('project_id') request_context.domain_id = auth_context.get('domain_id') request_context.domain_name = auth_context.get('domain_name') request_context.user_domain_id = auth_context.get('user_domain_id') request_context.roles = auth_context.get('roles') is_admin_project = auth_context.get('is_admin_project', True) request_context.is_admin_project = is_admin_project project_domain_id = auth_context.get('project_domain_id') request_context.project_domain_id = project_domain_id is_delegated_auth = auth_context.get('is_delegated_auth', False) request_context.is_delegated_auth = is_delegated_auth request_context.trust_id = auth_context.get('trust_id') request_context.trustor_id = auth_context.get('trustor_id') request_context.trustee_id = auth_context.get('trustee_id') access_token_id = auth_context.get('access_token_id') request_context.oauth_consumer_id = auth_context.get('consumer_id') request_context.oauth_acess_token_id = access_token_id LOG.debug('RBAC: auth_context: %s', auth_context) request.environ[authorization.AUTH_CONTEXT_ENV] = auth_context
[docs] def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config): """Used for paste app factories in paste.deploy config files. Any local configuration (that is, values under the [filter:APPNAME] section of the paste config) will be passed into the `__init__` method as kwargs. A hypothetical configuration would look like: [filter:analytics] redis_host = paste.filter_factory = which would result in a call to the `Analytics` class as import, redis_host='') You could of course re-implement the `factory` method in subclasses, but using the kwarg passing it shouldn't be necessary. """ def _factory(app): conf = global_config.copy() conf.update(local_config) return cls(app, **local_config) return _factory