
Source code for keystone.api.discovery

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import flask
from flask import request
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from six.moves import http_client

from keystone.common import json_home
from keystone.common import wsgi
import keystone.conf
from keystone import exception

CONF = keystone.conf.CONF
MEDIA_TYPE_JSON = 'application/vnd.openstack.identity-%s+json'
_DISCOVERY_BLUEPRINT = flask.Blueprint('Discovery', __name__)

[docs]def register_version(version): _VERSIONS.append(version)
def _get_versions_list(identity_url): versions = {} if 'v3' in _VERSIONS: versions['v3'] = { 'id': 'v3.11', 'status': 'stable', 'updated': '2018-10-15T00:00:00Z', 'links': [ { 'rel': 'self', 'href': identity_url, } ], 'media-types': [ { 'base': 'application/json', 'type': MEDIA_TYPE_JSON % 'v3' } ] } return versions
[docs]class MimeTypes(object): JSON = 'application/json' JSON_HOME = 'application/json-home'
def _v3_json_home_content(): # TODO(morgan): Eliminate this, we should never be disabling an API version # now, JSON Home should never be empty. if 'v3' not in _VERSIONS: # No V3 Support, so return an empty JSON Home document. return {'resources': {}} return json_home.JsonHomeResources.resources()
[docs]def v3_mime_type_best_match(): if not request.accept_mimetypes: return MimeTypes.JSON return request.accept_mimetypes.best_match( [MimeTypes.JSON, MimeTypes.JSON_HOME])
[docs]@_DISCOVERY_BLUEPRINT.route('/') def get_versions(): if v3_mime_type_best_match() == MimeTypes.JSON_HOME: # RENDER JSON-Home form, we have a clever client who will # understand the JSON-Home document. v3_json_home = _v3_json_home_content() json_home.translate_urls(v3_json_home, '/v3') return flask.Response(response=jsonutils.dumps(v3_json_home), mimetype=MimeTypes.JSON_HOME) else: # NOTE(morgan): wsgi.Application.base_url will eventually need to # be moved to a better "common" location. For now, we'll just lean # on it for the sake of leaning on common code where possible. identity_url = '%s/v3/' % wsgi.Application.base_url( context={'environment': request.environ}) versions = _get_versions_list(identity_url) return flask.Response( response=jsonutils.dumps( {'versions': { 'values': list(versions.values())}}), mimetype=MimeTypes.JSON, status=http_client.MULTIPLE_CHOICES)
[docs]@_DISCOVERY_BLUEPRINT.route('/v3') def get_version_v3(): if 'v3' not in _VERSIONS: raise exception.VersionNotFound(version='v3') if v3_mime_type_best_match() == MimeTypes.JSON_HOME: # RENDER JSON-Home form, we have a clever client who will # understand the JSON-Home document. content = _v3_json_home_content() return flask.Response(response=jsonutils.dumps(content), mimetype=MimeTypes.JSON_HOME) else: # NOTE(morgan): wsgi.Application.base_url will eventually need to # be moved to a better "common" location. For now, we'll just lean # on it for the sake of leaning on common code where possible. identity_url = '%s/v3/' % wsgi.Application.base_url( context={'environment': request.environ}) versions = _get_versions_list(identity_url) return flask.Response( response=jsonutils.dumps({'version': versions['v3']}), mimetype=MimeTypes.JSON)
[docs]class DiscoveryAPI(object): # NOTE(morgan): The Discovery Bits are so special they cannot conform to # Flask-RESTful-isms. We are using straight flask Blueprint(s) here so that # we have a lot more control over what the heck is going on. This is just # a stub object to ensure we can load discovery in the same manner we # handle the rest of keystone.api
[docs] @staticmethod def instantiate_and_register_to_app(flask_app): # This is a lot more magical than the normal setup as the discovery # API does not lean on flask-restful. We're statically building a # single blueprint here. flask_app.register_blueprint(_DISCOVERY_BLUEPRINT)
APIs = (DiscoveryAPI,)
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Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.